I Miss you

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"It's time to get up now". "But I don't want to get up". "Neither do I but we have to don't we".

"Since when are you ever the voice of reason Em" I groan as I snuggle into her collarbone. "Hey I have to be every now and again" Emily laughs which sends vibrations through her chest. I smack her stomach, "Stop moving I'm comfy". "No we have to get up sadly I have a plane to catch" Emily sighs.

I sigh before I rest my chin on her chest above her heart and look up at her, "But I'll miss you". She looks down at me her lips pursued together, "And I'll miss you too. So much, more than you will ever know. But I have too. I have to get back for training. The only reason Mark let me go is because Tobs pretty much promised that this trip would get me back to my usual self". She starts to card her fingers through my hair, "But don't think for a second that I won't be calling you everyday. I just got you back and I'm not letting you go again".

I smile up at her and kiss right above her heart, "I love you". She smiles down at me, "I love you too. Now cmon I'll make breakfast". We both got dressed and head into the kitchen where Emily gets started on making pancakes. We don't speak much as we just try to savour the last moments we have together before we are separated again. I stand behind Emily and hug her from behind and lean my head against her back (mainly because I couldn't look over her shoulder without balancing on my tippy toes). Until she eventually pulls her arm over me and wraps it around my shoulder holding me close and ducks down her head and kisses me on the forehead.

Once the pancakes were done we just sit and mess around with each other as we ate. When we were finished a slowed song played over my speaker and I smile as I stand up and pull Emily up from her seat. I wrap my arms around her neck while hers rested on my waist and we just swayed to the music around the kitchen.

And for a brief moment I forgot about everything and just focused on us.


"Is there anyway I can make you miss your flight?" I pout as we stand at Emily's gate waiting for her flight to be called. "For you? Probably" she smirks, "but I wouldn't want you to get sick of me". "I don't think that's possible" I retort which makes her smile.

Sadly it's at this point where Emily's flight is called. Emily sighs while I can feel my eyes start to water up already. She pulls me in for one final hug and kisses my temple, "We'll see each other soon. Time will fly and before you know it we'll be back at camp. Dancing and pranking together again". I let out a watery laugh, "I'm already counting down the days". She cups my face and brings me in for one last kiss and wipes away my tears before she turns and walks through the gate.

I watch her until she's out of my eye line and start walking back to the car. My phone rings and I answer it without looking. "Hello?" I sniffle trying to calm down a bit.

"I miss you already".

I laugh down the phone, "I miss you to dork now get on the plane before they leave without you".

"Okay bye. I love you T".

"I love you too Em".


Emily's Pov

"And then Tobs nugmegged her!" I laugh hunched over breathlessly as I tell her about Lindsey's horrible training session today. "Shut up Son" Lindsey grunts as she slaps the back of my head. "Ow! T Linds just hit me!" I whine as I see Tori giggle, "Be nice she had a tough day". "Yeah Linds be nice!" I grin at Lindsey. "Actually I was talking to you Em" Tori laughs. My mouth drops as Lindsey cackles beside me, "Yeah Son be nice. Love you Tori!" "Love you too Linds" Tori winks at her down the phone.

"Oh yeah don't mind me, your girlfriend. I'll just sit here while you flirt with my best friend" I pout. "Well okay then" Lindsey smirks as she grabs my phone and whispers obnoxiously to Tori, "She's gone tell me how much you really love me". I can hear Tori laugh as I tackle Lindsey and start to wrestle with her on the floor my floor forgotten somewhere on the floor but I can still hear Tori's infectious laugh emitting from it.

After a few minutes I pin Lindsey and sit on her stomach in victory only to see Tobin had entered and was holding my phone showing Tori what was happening. "Sonny get off your heavy" Lindsey whines. I gasp, "Are you calling me fat?! T Lindsey just called me fat!" "Your not fat. Your my beautiful gorgeous girlfriend whom I love" Tori replies. I grin and get off Lindsey and take the phone off Tobs, "Aw you do love me". "Very much so yes" she grins at me. Lindsey and Tobin both gag and I hold up the middle finger to them before I retreat into my room so I could talk to Tori in private for a bit.

"So how if everything over there anyways?" She asks while I drop onto the bed. "Fine. Mark seems a lot happier with how I'm playing after sorting things out. The team say I'm a lot happier as well" I answer as I cuddle into Tori's pillow. "Well that's good. Everything is fine over here just missing you loads" she sighs, "I miss waking up next to you". I snort, "You mean waking up on top of me. You pretty much wrap yourself around me and cling onto me". "Not my fault your warm and cuddly" she shrugs, "and just think only a few months left and I'll be coming back to America".

My eyebrows furrow together, "What do you mean? You'll be coming back for Camp in a few weeks won't you?" She laughs, "Yeah I will. But I mean coming home and staying in America". "Do that mean..?" I ask but she just smiles and nods at me, "Yep I don't think I'll renew my contract with Arsenal. I mean it's great over here and I loved playing here but I miss home. I miss you too much". A big smile consumes my face as I get giddy thinking about Tori coming back home and going back to how it was before she left.

We talk for a bit longer before she sighs, "Okay I need to go get ready. I have to do some media stuff for Arsenal soon". I pout slightly, "Okay I'll talk to you later?" She smiles, "Definitely. Bye Em love you". "Bye T. I love you too" I smile. She blows me a kiss before ending the facetime. I just lay on my bed for a bit before my phone dings.

Tori posted a picture on Instagram. It was a screenshot of our facetime where you could see me sitting on Lindsey with my hands in the air and you could see Tori's face smiling and laughing in the corner. She had it captioned, "They both fought to see who I love more, It seems like Em won 🥰".I chuckle and like it as I see Lindsey starting to leave comments along with the fans.

I was just scrolling through my phone when I get a text from Kelley.

Frat Daddy Senior
So I see that you and Tori
are back on better terms.

Frat Daddy Junior
Yeah I flew over to England and
sorted everything out
We are now back to being the cutest couple the world has ever seen

Well I'm glad to see your
back to normal
I think the whole team is
I think your even bigger than Krashlyn as this point

Well we do have like the
world's most epic love story
I couldn't imagine a life without her

I smile as I relax back onto the bed and I think about everything that has happened over the past few months. Everything was finally falling back into place and although Tori wasn't with me right now, I couldn't help but be happy that shes back in my life. I couldn't wait to start our future together soon. I'm snapped out of my daydream when my phone buzzes again.

Well you do have a ring?
What do you plan to do with it?

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