Chapter 1

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~Miydoria's POV~

I love class~

Not because I get to learn how to be a hero, no.

Because I sit right behind Kacchan~

I get to stare at him the whole time and no one suspects a thing, his smooth skin and soft looking hair.

This was the only time I could get this close to him without him getting mad and blasting me, but I wanted to be closer, I wanted to be able to touch him.

I hold my hand out as if Kacchan would magically turn around and place his face into it, I wanted to be able to kiss his soft looking lips. I'm sure they feel soft and plump and taste like sweet curry.

I bet Kirishima knows...

That made my blood boil, every day during lunch and after school they're together. Hugging, snuggling one another, being all cute, and yes even kissing.

He even gets to hang out in Kacchan's dorm room, I've heard Kirishima talk about it. How much Kacchan loves to cook for him and how good of a cook he is, how cute he acts when their alone just cuddling and watching anime or even just working on homework together.

But they do more while in there, I know. I've seen it.

He was able to take my beautiful Kacchan's virginity.

Kirishima was able to take it before I could... not like I would able to without Kacchan putting up a fight...

Why does fucking Kirishima get to touch him?! Why does he get to be the one that loves him?! Why?! What does he have that I don't?! I could give Kacchan whatever he wants and needs, I could be the one he counts on but no it had to be Kirishima.

"Alright, that lunch" Mr. Aizawa says with his usual monotoned voice, he was facing the clock "Go get food while I take a nap" He says and crawls back into his large yellow cocoon.

Instantly students get up and rush to the lunchroom, Kacchan of course walks with Kirishima. I follow close behind but not to where it's noticeable.

"So what are you going to get Bakugou?" Kirishima asks, putting an arm around my Kacchan's shoulders.

"Spicy curry" He answers, with his normal I don't give a fuck attitude.

"Dude you eat that so much your stomach is going to messed up one day~" Kirishima teases, poking my Kacchan's cheek.

"SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR!!" Kacchan rages, just like always.

It's so cute how he takes teasing and playful banter, it's so cute how he gets mad so easily but you can tell he cares in his own way...

But Kirishima gets to see the part of Kacchan I want to, the soft and adorable part of him. The submissive part of him.

But no, all I get from Kacchan is anger, hate, and even discussed. Like to him I was only some small bug always in the way, but someday that's gonna change someday whenever he looks at me he'll see his lover, his hero.

"You okay Deku?" Uraraka's annoy voice pulls me out of my thoughts "You've been glaring down at your food for a while now" She says worriedly.

Wow I was so deep in thought I didn't notice the fact that I had gotten food and sat down, I look at her and up on my fake nervous smile like always,

"Y-Yeah...! J-Just a lot on m-my mind" I chuckle, rubbing the back of my head

"Oh, well you should really eat, you'll need your strength for our trip tomorrow!" She smiles, oh yeah. We were being sent to some kind of camp, which really reminds me after school I need to do something.

"R-Right!" I fake laugh and quickly start stuffing my face, I glance over to were Kacchan is sitting.

Kirishima is feeding him, Kacchan didn't seem to amused by this but everyone knows when it comes to Krishima he couldn't say no.

That just made me angrier inside.


I walking the streets, I was walking around the most dangerous part of town.

Where the crime rate was going off the charts, with only a black hoodie to conceal my identity. I wasn't scared however, because I already know that no one would dare try and attack me, for I'm well known in this part of town.

I kept my head hung low, staring at my feet but I knew where I'm going. I try to keep my mind off Kirishima putting his dirty hands on my beautiful Kacchan, doing things to him that I only dreamed of doing.

"Miydoria" I familiar voice says my name, it was the person I was planning to meet. He was hiding the darkness of the alleyway I was standing next to, I couldn't see him but I knew it was him. "Anything to report?" I asks

"We're departing for the camp tomorrow, did you get the letter that I had sent?" I tell him

"We did, you're not messing with us now are you?" He answers then asks

"You promised I'd get exactly what I wanted if I helped" I answer

"And you will"

"Then why would I lie? It would risk the likely hood of getting my prize" I tell him with an unamused tone

"Fine, you know the plan right?" He says then asks, I nod

"I'm ready" I answer him, putting my fist up in determination

"Good good, we'll see you there" He leaves, I smirk to myself because soon I was going to get exactly what my heart desires.

I was finally going to get my Kacchan, all I had to do was play long for a while and no one would suspected a thing.

Until it's time, everyone will still see as the innocent, emotional, little Deku. But after no one will ever see me that way anymore, no, everyone will finally see my true colors and I can't wait. Especially when Kacchan finds out, I can't wait to see the look on his face when it happens.

It'll be perfect, it'll be the best day of my life and I can't wait.

I start to make my way back, I want to get back to my dorm before anyone notices that I was gone. Though I doubt they will.

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