Chapter 4

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~Bakugou's POV~

How long has it been? probably only a week but it feels like forever.

I can't believe that Deku was capable of doing such things to something, let alone to me. For past I don't even know how many days he's been using me as his personal sex toy, he keeps be locked in what I'm guessing is his bedroom. I've tried escaping myself so many times but I he keeps catching me before I can which results in more rape as a "punishment", he also keeps these weird metal rings around my wrists that block my quirk so I can't use it or I would've already and for some reason I can't take them off.

But no matter how hard that stupid idiot tries he still isn't able to break me, I know he's trying to break me but I'm not about to let that happen. Not by him.

I'm currently in his room laying on the bed board, he at least placed a TV in here so I could have something to do but I always find myself watching the news to see if there was anything about me missing. And that seemed to be the main story for the passed couple days so I at least know their looking for me but something tells me I'm gonna have to hold on for just a little while longer.

"Kacchan~" Deku's annoying ass voice suddenly comes out of now where and he enters the room, I don't answer him and just look away "Aw~ just as strong willed as ever, huh Kacchan?~" Deku purrs while climbing onto the bed and sitting down next to me. I wanted to push him away but I already know I can't if I want Kirishima to come out of this alive.

Deku's hand suddenly runs through my hair but I don't stop him, in fact I've kinda gotten used to it by now because he does this constantly. He just has this weird fetish about my hair for some reason, whenever I'm around him the only thing he seems to do it pet me... well other then rape me.

"Kacchan~ Look at me~" Deku purrs into my ear, I sigh and do as he says because I have no other choice in the matter "That's my good boy~" He smiles and kisses me while still running his hand through my hair.

His lips started to trail down to my neck and his hands started to grope me, I already knew where this was going... until there's a loud crash heard and another villain is calling for him. Deku groans but gets up and leaves the room, of course locking the door so I couldn't get out.

~Miydoria's POV~

"Where's Bakugou?!" Kirishima growls, his friends and All-Might standing next to him

"I'll never tell you!" I growl, I finally have my Kacchan to myself and I wasn't about to give him back to this fucker

"Deku please! This isn't you!" Uraraka pleads but I only laugh

"This is me! The true me!" I laugh while taking a step forward

"No it's not young Miydoria, you're a good person, please" All Might begs me, I could see pain in his eyes and it was beautiful "What would your mother say?" I felt a sting of pain in my heart but I quickly push that feeling away.

"Miydoria..." Todoroki starts "I love you..." I only laughed again

"I have all I need! Your words don't tempt me!" I laugh while activating my quirk

"I guess we have no choice" All-Might sighs and charges at me, I do the same and soon we're fighting one another

~3rd Person View~

The door to the room Bakugou was in gets busted open, Kirishima gasps and quickly ingulfs his boyfriend in a tight hug.

"Bakugou! I missed you so much I was so worried!" Kirishima babbles on while removing the collar and metal rings from Bakugou's wrists

"This is no time for talking!!" Kaminari says while keeping an eye out for any villains coming their way, but certainly the others were handling them.

Kirishmia helps his boyfriend stand since Bakugou was to weak to walk on his own "It's about fucking time" Bakugou jokes while kissing his boyfriend's cheek, soon they're able to escape along with the rest of their friends and All-Might. They had knocked Miydoria out and All-Might is taking him to a very secure jail where they can hopefully talk some sense into him.

Kirishima and Bakugou were now back in their dorm room while shark boy helps Bakugou heal all his wounds that Miydoria left on him, continuously talking about how he was so worried and that he hasn't slept and so on. Bakugou sighs and smiles softly at his energetic and worried boyfriend, once his wounds were tended to they cuddle for the rest of the night. The exploding blonde hadn't told his boyfriend about the rape though because he was kinda ashamed of it, he feels like he's been unfaithful so he doesn't bring it up to him.

~Miydoria's POV~

UGHH!!! I finally have Kacchan and they take him from me!! Well this place won't be able to hold me for long! I'll escape and get my Kacchan back, he belongs to me not that red-haired fucker named Kirishima.

I'll just have to put on my fake innocent act again and they'll release me or the league will come bust me out, this should be that hard. But when I do get out not only will I get my Kacchan back but I'm gonna put an end to his and Kirishima's relationship once and for all, after all you can't date a dead man~

I'll just get Kirishima out of the picture and Kacchand will be mine forever, and next time no one will be able to take him from me again. This isn't the last of me, this is only the fucking beginning. Enjoy your boyfriend while you can Kacchand because I'm coming back for you, and you won't be able to escape me this time. Your gonna have a lot of punishments when I get my hands on you again.

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