Chapter 13

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~3rd Person View~

"Why didn't we let him cook from the start?" Dabi asks with a mouth full of Bakugou's famous omurice

"Right! He's such a good cook!~" Toga giggles while basically scarfing down her food, the rest of the villains agree with Dabi and Toga each of them wondering why they didn't make the angry blonde cook in the first place.

"I also clean..." Bakugou mumbles, his voice just loud enough for the league to hear

"Looks like you're way more useful then we thought kid" Shigaraki laughs, Bakugou just rolls his eyes. The only reason he offering to cook and clean was so he didn't have to be locked up in that small room all day

"I have to agree! My Doll's cooking is definitely the best thing I've ever tasted! And plus watching him cook was a dream~" Midoriya chuckles while watching the blonde male wash the pots and pans he used, while cooking Midoriya spent the entire time staring at him or should I say his ass.

"*Gasp*" Toga catches the league's attention "He could be our maid!! I have the perfect dress!" She squeals really just wanting a reason to play dress up with someone since the others always refuse

Bakugou's eye twitches as he tries to keep his temper under control unless he wants a repeat of the day he returned, if he completely honest with himself he was terrified of Deku and what he could do to him if he ever slipped up eleven just once, keeping his temper under control was hard but he was managing.

"My doll walking around in a adorable maid's uniform while cooking and cleaning for me? Sounds wonderful!" Midoriya laughs maniacally while clapping his hands "what do you say Doll?" He asks while turning his attention to the oddly quiet blonde still washing the dishes

"Sure... whatever" Bakugou mumbles, keeping his head down to avoid eye contact with any of the psychopaths sitting in the room with him

"Great!" Midoriya laughs again and Togs jumps up and down excitedly

"Can I dress him up? Please please please!!!" She begs, doing puppy dog eyes and everything

"You better not hurt my Doll a Toga or I'll rip out your intestines and strangle you with them" Midoriya threatens with a very creepy smile spread across his face them made most of the league shiver

"Y-Yes sir!" Toga stutters doing a salute motion

"You've been working on that threatening smile, huh kid?" Shigaraki the master of creepy smiles asks Deku

"I'm learning from the best!" Midoriya chuckles

"Shigaraki babe, we don't need to of you giving us heart attacks with your creepy as smiling" Dabi sighs while slamming his head onto the desk. Bakugou turns off the water and drains the sink trying figure out what he just witnessed, if they weren't villains he would think they're just another crazy family.


"Kirishima, remember when you said you wanted to help us save Bakugou" A tired Aizawa asks his red-headed student

"Yes!" Kirishima basically shouts, he wanted to find Bakugou no matter what it takes. He needed to save the love of his life from that psycho he used to call his friend, he needed to save Bakugou from all the torture he was being put through I mean who knows what they're doing to him!

"Well me and a couple other of hero's came up with a plan, and we need your help" Aizawa started "but it's extremely dangerous and puts your life on the line" he warns hoping Kirishima would say no, the baggy-eyed teacher was scared of possibly losing another student.

"I'll do whatever it takes!" Kirishima yes with determination visible in his eyes, with a small sigh Aizawa nods

"Then come with me to UA, we'll discuss details there" Aizawa says and Kirishima nods, quickly sits running to his room to get changed out his pajamas "I hope we'll be able to actually pull this off... one mistake and I could loose another student..." Aizawa was scared for Kirishima's life but this might be the only shot they have.

"Mr. Aizawa sir" Aizawa turns to look at Mitsuki, she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks but then again can you blame her?

"Ms. Bakugou" Aizawa greets, she stands there for a bit before suddenly hugging the tired teacher in front of her

"Please! Find my baby! Bring him back to me I'm begging you!" Aizawa has never seen such a strong willed person break down like this, he gently pats her back before handing back to Masaru who holds his wife close to him but looks at Aizawa with the same pleading eyes.

"Don't worry, we'll find him and we'll bring him back to you" Aizawa says trying to reassure them "no matter what it takes"

Kirishima comes back downstairs running, giving Bakugou's parents a quick hug before grabbing Aizawa's hand and basically dragging his teacher outside to the car. The hero's and police around the house were looking at Aizawa with worried eyes, they new the plan and didn't fully agree with it but again this might be the only shot they have so they didn't have any other choice but to go along with it.

"This is your last chance to change your mind Kirishima" Aizawa says before unlocking the car

"There's nothing in this world that could change my mind! I'll go up against the villains myself!" Kirishima shouts, getting worried glances from hero's and police but he could careless

"Alright then, get in we need to hurry" Aizawa says while opening the car doors " there's no time to lose" Aizawa while getting into the drivers side while Kirishima gets into the passenger seat.

"No time to lose!" Kirishima repeats as hero's and Police get out of the car's way so they could make their way to UA, basically speeding down the road. Kirishima kept his eyes on his lap as determination and courage filled his bright red eyes while Aizawa kept his fearful eyes on the road.

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