Chapter 6

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~Bakugou's POV~

"Three dead bodies have been found at in the downtown area,  even though downtown is the capital of crime in this country we've never witness three dead bodies found at the same location on the same day" 

"The identities of the bodies haven't been revealed yet, police guess that these are just random killings by a new villain hungry for blood. The pro hero's are on the case but for now we suggest to everyone that until this villain is caught please stay inside for your own safety"

"Wow, that's pretty scary" kirishima mumbles while sipping the cup of coffee I made for him

"Then stop watching dumb-ass" I say while continuing to make us breakfast

"But don't you want to know what's going on?" 

"Not really"

"But Mr.Aizawa told us to watch the news to explain why school and training is gonna be cancelled for a while" Kirishima responds while turning around to look at me

"I know but how really cares-" I get cut off by the TV catching my attention

"In other news the villain Deku who was originally locked up at the local rehabilitation prison has broken free and is now on the run, please look out for this man but be careful because he is said to be highly dangerous"

 "WHAT?! DEKU ESCAPED!" I almost drop the pan I was holding as I feel fear run through me, I wouldn't admit this to anybody but I'm scared of Deku finding and kidnapping me again. Who knows what that psycho will do to me this time. Kirishima puts his coffee down and gets up from the couch walking over to me, holding me from behind in a attempt to comfort me and calm me down a little.

"Don't worry baby he won't be able to get to you this time" He whispers softly into my ear and I wanted to believe him, I wanted to believe that I was gonna be protected but if Deku is as obsessed with me as I think he is then I know he's gonna find a way to get to me.

"Bakugou, Kirishima open up we need to talk to you" Aizawa's voice comes from behind my dorm door, my boyfriend opens the door and our teacher plus All-Might enters my dorm room much to my disliking


"So for the sake of your own safety you and Kirishima are going to be staying at your house until Midoriya is caught" Aizawa explains, we were all sitting in a circle on the floor

"What?! If anything I'm more vulnerable there then I am here!" I growl wondering what the fuck they've been smoking to come up with such a stupid plan

"*Sigh* You didn't let me finish Bakugou, Proheros and police will be guarding your house 24-7 to protect you and your family. The only reason we're allowing Kirishima to stay with you to is because we know how much you're gonna bitch about wanting to see him" Aizawa finishes and I could hear my boyfriend snicker a little making me growl again

"Alright fine, but what about school? And groceries and stuff. Are we gonna be allowed outside at anytime?"

"You'll not be allowed outside, well not by yourself at least. If you must go outside you will be accompanied by a prohero or police but other then that groceries will be bought and brought to your house for you guys and you won't need to worry about school, you both will simply be pardoned from any school work or training that you miss during this time"

"Do we really have to...?" I ask not wanting to be cooped up in my house just because of stupid Deku

"it's only for the best, you're not safe until Midoriya is captured" Aizawa answers while nodding "We'll let you two pack up, when you're done there's a black car waiting for you out front surrounded by some police cars. They're gonna drive you to your place"

"Alright, we understand" Kirishima answers for me, they nod and finally leave my dorm room

"I guess I should head back to my dorm to pack my things" He sighs while sitting up, he must have seen my face because he then says "Don't worry babe it won't be that bad, besides we'll be together the whole time"

I try to smile and nod, he then leaves to go pack so I guess I have to do that same but I can't help remember the words that nerd said to me on the first day that he kidnapped me...

If you don't start being a good boy Kacchan I could just get your precious boyfriend out of the picture

This voice was so dark and sinister when saying that I know that he meant it... So I feel like Kirishima is in more danger then I am... but then again maybe it's just my nerves again. I haven't been able to relax for so long I feel like I have PTSD from what Deku did to me back at the league, not only did he sexually abuse me but he tried to get me to join him to and like why the fuck would I join him and his stupid group of villains.

I just push those feelings aside and start packing my clothing and anything else that I want/need like my laptop and my... teddy bear... don't judge me it was gift from Kirishima and I really like it!!

"When did Deku's obsession with me even start...? He's never even showed any signs of liking me before, not even when we were kids... and wasn't I like the ultimate jerk to him?! UGH I can't make any sense of this not matter how I look at this" I mumble while angrily stuffing clothes into my suitcase "I just gonna stay calm, Deku won't be able to get me with 24 hour protection. Even he isn't that stupid to go up against dozens of proheros and police at once"

I continue shoving things into my suit case while that last sentence replays in my head a couple times...

Even he isn't that stupid...


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