Chapter 11

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~Midoriya's POV~

It's been about a week or two since Kacchan gave himself to me, each night when he was fast asleep I'd check the news with the other members of the League and of course it was all about the disappearance of Kacchan and how his family, friends, and boyfriend was so worried. Ugh, I hated it when they mentioned Kirishima. That red headed fucker would have been dead by now if he still wasn't being protected 24/7, from what I heard they've actually attempted up the protection on him and Kacchan's parents since he disappeared which only makes my job harder I mean I know I promised to stop killing Kacchan's friends if he surrendered to me but I still want his so called boyfriend out of the picture.

"M-Master..." Kacchan's tired voice quickly makes me turn off the TV, much to the other's disliking but I didn't care.

"Yes Kacchan?" I ask while bringing him into a gentle hug which causes him to tense up slightly, it made me sad that he still wasn't used to me touching him.

"I can't sleep..." he whimpers

"Nightmares again?" I ask and he nods

"Geez kid I thought you were supposed to be tough" Dabi laughs, I glare at him when I see Kacchan look at the ground ashamed of himself. Dabi puts his hands up in defense and Shigaraki rolls his eyes.

"Want me to sleep with you Kacchan?" I ask and he hesitantly nods, knowing that sleeping with someone would stop the nightmares. "Let's go then Kacchan, you need your sleep!" I say cheerfully and pick up my presious baby bridle style and carry him back to our shared room, we always sleep together but he'd usually fall asleep way before me which wasn't a surprise since I didn't go to bed until like 5 in the morning due to all the villain work I had to do. But sometimes the nightmares he'd get would he to much to handle and he'd come out looking for me.

I gently lay Kacchan down onto the bed then lay next to him, pulling him back into my arms. I wanted Kacchan to be comfortable around me and enjoy his new life here at the League so he finally joins and he isn't scared of me anymore, so unless he disobeys me I'm gonna be as gentle as I can with him so he'll eventually trust me. While holding him I gently touch the bandages around his stomach to check if it was healing right and it was.

"I love you so much my precious doll...~"

~Kirishima's POV~

"This isn't fare! I should help look for him!" I yell at my home room teacher, tears streaming down my face. Who knows what that psycho is doing to my boyfriend right now, I couldn't just sit back and do nothing while the love of my life was probably being tortured into submission right now.

"The reason is more then clear, your life is still in danger Kirishima" Mr.Aizawa sighs "I'm sorry but you must stay here for your own safety" No matter how much I beg and plead it's no use, not even Bakugou's mom could convince him and she's spent the last few days crying because she's so worried about her son.

"I'm strong! I can help you! Isn't something like this is what you've been training me fore?! If I can't save my own boyfriend then what kind of hero am I!!" I couldn't take no for an answer, I needed to find Bakugou I needed to save him before Midoriya possibly kills him

"Kirishima please—"

"No! This isn't fare! Bakugou is out there while Midoriya does who knows what to him and I can't do anything about it!!" I was in my knees at this point while tears spilled from my eyes like a waterfall making my vision burly.

"Come on Shouta, lets leave them alone" All Might says while putting a hand on Mr.Aizawa's shoulder

"Right..." Mr. Aizawa looks at me one more time "I'm sorry Kirishima I really am, and I promise we're doing everything we can to find him" and with that they leave and the front door closes. Trapping me and Bakugou's parents inside again. I sigh and walk over to the couch where Mitsuki was crying into her husband's chest for the fourth time today, both looked like they hadn't slept at all and I don't blame them cause I haven't slept either.

I just sit down next to them and put my head in my eyes, also crying my eyes out at the thought of Bakugou getting psychically and mentally tortured by that psycho I used to call my friend. I just wanted to hold him again, hold him and tell him that he was safe and Midoriya wasn't going to hurt him again but I couldn't do that... and I couldn't save him either.

"Why haven't they found him yet!" Mitsuki cries, gripping her husband's shirt tightly while her husband does his best to comfort her (I have no idea what Bakugou's dad's name is :/)

I try wiping my eyes and I offer to make dinner tonight to try and lighten the mood but nothing worked, nothing I could say or do would be able to lighten the mood right now but either way Mitsuki wipes her eyes and smiles at me.

"You're so sweet darling but that's okay, I can still handle the dinner tonight" She pats my head and gets up and I could tell she was trying to hold in other tears that wanted to fall. Bakugou's dad sighs.

"I don't know how long I'm gonna last either... I just want my son back" he says quietly, a few tears pricking in his eyes as well but he wipes them away knowing he needs to be strong for his wife.

"They'll find him! I'm sure of it" I try to reassure him but to be honest I wasn't to sure myself

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