Chapter 9

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~3rd Person View~

"Bakugou! Bakugou! babe wake up!"

After the reveal that one of their very close friends have been killed Bakugou ended up passing out from exhaustion and shock, he was basically out cold. Aiazawa knew they'd be hurt by the news but he didn't think it would this affect on them, especially Bakugou and he felt slightly guilty for putting more guilt on the exploding blonde's shoulders. Kirishima picks up his boyfriend bridle style.

"Kirishima honey can you please take Bakugou upstairs to his room" Mitsuki asks and Kirishima nods

"Of course ma'am" while Mitsuki her husband talk to Aizawa Kirishima carries his unconscious boyfriend upstairs to his bedroom, he gently lays Bakugou onto the bed and looks down at him with a worried expression. He sighs and leaves the room so Bakugou could get some much needed rest, luckily this time Katsuki didn't get any night terrors instead he had had no dreams at all and just had a peaceful sleep.


It was late and night and everyone was asleep, well everyone but Katsuki Bakugou.

He was busy stuffing a backpack full of his clothing and other things he'd need, which included money, food, water, his phone, headphones, and charger plus some other items. Once his bag was packed he looks at one of the notes he received from Deku, it had directions to the place he needed to meet a villain at who'd guide him to Deku's new hideout. Come to me willingly my sweet Kacchan and I promise nothing bad will happen to your family or friends the note read. He didn't want to do this but Bakugou felt like he had no choice, Mina was already dead because of him along with a bunch of innocent civilians.

He was able to climb out the window and take the back ally so he wouldn't be seen by any police or hero's, Bakugou had guilt flowing through his body. Leaving his boyfriend and family behind to deal with this pain all on their own but it had to be done, he was mentally preparing himself for what was awaiting him at Deku's new hide out. He walks all the way to down town while following the map drawn on the back of the note, by the time he got to his destination his legs were sore from all the walking. Bakugou stands inside of the dark ally and awaits the villain he's supposed to meet while hoping it wasn't to late considering he got that note a week ago before he found out that Mina was killed, he waits anxiously.

"Wow, you actually decided to show up" a deep but familiar voice is heard and Bakugou turns around seeing a familiar face

"Dabi..." he growls lowly

"I would recommend not putting up a fight Bakugou" Dabi pulls out a blindfold from his pocket and puts it over Bakugou's bright red eyes then leads the blonde to their new hideout, since it was dark and they were in the bad part of down town Dabi had no problem with walking around without any type of clothing to hide his identity since the downtown area was inhabited mostly by villains.

While walking Dabi takes out his phone and calls up his new boss Deku to let him now that he was returning with a certain blonde Pomeranian boy with him, while on the phone Bakugou does his best to make out what Deku was saying on the other end.

"Hey Midoriya" there's a small pause "yeah, he can and we're on our way" since Bakugou has a blindfold on he could tell wee exactly the pay were headed but I guess that was the point.

"Wonderful! My Kacchan finally decided to make the right decision! Has he said anything?" Just hearing Deku's voice made him nervous, before all this is would just make him irritated but now it terrified him.

"Nope, nothing yet" Dabi pauses again "he hasn't fought at all either"

"Aw~ that's adorable~ he's excepting his fate" Deku giggles and that only sent more chills down the blonde's spine "well I'm not at the hideout right now so just lock him up in the room I prepared until I get there" if he's not at the hideout where could he be? Bakugou was praying to god Deku wasn't out killing another one of his classmates.

"Alright, got it" after a bit more walking Bakugou hears a door open and he gets pushed though it, this repeats until his blindfold is finally removed. The door gets closed and locked behind him leaving alone in a unfamiliar room, he sighs and puts his backpack down onto a dresser that was there. The room he was in looked like a standard bedroom but with a TV, and a shelf filled with his favorites mangas.

"I guess this is were I'm gonna be spending most of my time during the day..." he sighs and sits down onto the bed, his entire body was shaking. Scared of what was gonna happen to him when Deku finally returned. What was the psycho planning to do with him, another door catches Bakugou's attention and he walks over to it and tries to turn the knob but it was locked making him extremely curious. It was definitely a closet but why would it be locked? "I guess I'll fine out later" he sighs and sits back down onto the bed.

Some talking is heard outside of the bedroom door, it was to muffled to make out what they were saying or who was talking but it seemed like they were arguing. But they were soon silenced by a set of foot steps getting closer and closer to the door and Bakugou had a feeling he knew who was coming, first they scolded the first to guys for fighting before unlocking the door and turning the knob. Bakugou closes his eyes tightly and looks down at the floor not wanting to see the guy's face just yet.

"Welcome back... Kacchan~"

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