Chapter 8

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~Bakugou's POV~

Five more bodies were discovered in the past week still inside the downtown area just in a different location again, pro hero's and police still aren't able to find out any connection between the killings or what any of them mean. They only similarity in the killings is the word "MINE" written on the walls with the victim's blood...

I couldn't pray my eyes off the TV, terror was running through my veins and my whole body was shaking. I knew these killings were all Deku's doing, how do I know? Because this morning there was a note for me left at my window and I recognized it as that psychopath's handwriting but what scared me most was what was inside the note... this Rucker wrote down every detail of how he and that Toga villain killed them. It was so sick I almost threw up, but the worst of it came when I read the words "if you want this to stop then all you need to do is give yourself to me willingly my precious Kacchan, I'll be waiting for you ~Midoriya" I wanted the killings to stop but there was no way I would him touch me again.

I had already ripped the note up onto thousands of pieces and thrown it away, I know I should have told Aizawa or All Might or something but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The TV suddenly gets shut off and I look behind me to see my boyfriend who just got out of the shower, he and the remote I'm his hand while looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

"BakuBabe I thought your mom said it's best you don't watch the news" there was worry laced in his voice, he probably noticed my terrified expression "it'll only get to your head" he walks around the couch and sits down next to me.

"I know but I can't help it..." he puts an arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to his chest, usually this would calm me down but not this time. I couldn't calm down it was why to worked up.

"I'm worried about you babe, you haven't been sleeping or eating lately... is there something you need to tell me?" I swear this man can see through me to easily but I wasn't ready to tell him yet so I shake my head no, but the expression on his face said that he didn't believe me one bit "alright... I won't make you tell me if you don't want to but just know that I'm here for you, everyone is here for you! No one wants you to go through all that again" his voice was sweet and he head was nuzzled into my hair.

"What are you two doing up so early?" Old hag asks, walking into the living room with dad following after her. Both of then just woke up.

"It's 10 in the morning" I roll me eyes

"So? We've got no where to go so why not sleep in?" She argues

"We're just used to getting up early I guess" Kirishima laughs, not wanting to give them any indication that something was wrong with me

"Have you boys eaten yet?" She asks and we shake our heads no "I'll make breakfast then" my mom goes to the kitchen and my dad follows after her probably to help and clean up the huge mess she's gonna leave behind.

Everyone was so lay back despite the fact that there is a psycho killer on the loose that is after me and probably my family and boyfriend, my mind goes back to the note that Deku left me and it makes me wonder how he got so close to the house in the first place. He can get close enough to leave a note right on my window then what's stopping him from just breaking in and kidnapping me again, I feel like we're not as safe as they think and I couldn't bring myself to say anything... I mean I feel like this is all partly my fault, I'm the one that Deku wants and people are dying because he can't have me.

I hear my mom turn on the radio, in other news we were able to get an interview with one of the guards working at the rehabilitation prison that was holding the villain Deku before he escaped. We aren't able to play the type but we are able to tell you some details about the night this dangerous teen escaped— the old hag quickly turns it back off.

"Damn that's the only thing ever on now..." she sighs, I could feel her glance at me "I can never get some good music in" she fake chuckles trying to lighten the mood but my shoulders were shaking again, with any mention of Deku now my body seemed to go into full panic mode. Kirishima pulls me into his lap and runs one hand through my hair trying to desperately calm me down but then there's a knock on the door, my dad opens it relieving Mr. Aizawa... this can't be good.

"We've got some bad news..." he mumbles, how could things possibly get any worse?!

"What is it?" My father asks while mom walks up to them to join the conversation, me and Kirishima just listen from the couch. Our teacher looked hesitant to speak.

"It's about the killings that happened this week" he starts, I could feel my body shake again and I grip my boyfriend's shoulders tightly.

"What about them?" The old hag asks, worry laced in her voice. I didn't want to hear what he had to say next, I just wanted to run away and hide. I couldn't handle anymore I feel like I'm gonna lose my mind.

"Well..." there's a really long pause from Aizawa and Kirishima is rubbing my back "one of the victims... was Mina Ashido..."

No... No no no, Deku didn't... I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

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