Chapter 3

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~3rd Person POV~

Bakugou wakes up with a massive headache and a sluggish body, it was like all the energy was just sucked out of him. He was chained up and cuffed plus for some reason his quirk wouldn't activate no matter how hard he tried, there was also a large metal muzzle around his face that kept him from talking, the room was so dark he could hardly see the thing. Not that it mattered because the only thing in the room was him. A large metal door is slid open and a chilling laugh is heard, it made shivers go up the exploding blonde's back.

"Oh Kacchan~" A voice purrs, Bakugou felt anger build up inside of him as soon as that voice rang through his ears. He instantly started to struggle and tug at his restraints to try and break free but he just couldn't, whatever metal these things were made out of it was strong and blocking his quirk.

Miydoria flicks on the light switch, turning on the blinding lights causes Bakugo to close his eyes as a reflex. The evil broccoli happily struts up to the chained up male and bends down to his level, admiring the angry boy's girlish looks.

Bakugou was doing everything in his power to break out of his retrains and attack the crazy fuck in-front of him. This was amusing to Miydoria, watching his trophy struggle and try to break free even though it wouldn't be possible.

"You're so cute Kacchan~ Struggling like that~" He giggles in almost an insane tone, running his hand through Bakugou's surprisingly soft hair "So soft...~" Miyodria whispers while petting the blonde's head.

Bakugou starts shaking his head aggressively as way to get the other male to stop touching him, but this seemed to anger the evil male and in response he grips Bakugou's soft hair tightly and pulls it back. Making the blonde loll his head back and wince slightly in pain. 

"I've been waiting so long for this moment Kacchan, you have no idea how much I fucking love you~" Miydoria tells the blonde again in almost an insane tone while gripping Bakugou's hair tighter "Now that I finally have you I'm going to to whatever I please with you, whatever. I. Please~" The green male's voice seemed to get deeper with every word which once again sent chills through Bakugou's body.

Miydoria then removes the muzzle from Bakugou's mouth, allowing the blonde to speak and instantly curse words and installs were being thrown his way. Which the green male expected.

"FUCK YOU!! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW DEKU YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE!!" Bakugou shouts in a growling tone

The green male sighs and shakes his head slowly "Such a naughty mouth Kacchan... but it's to be expected with someone as strong willed as you, but then again everyone has their weak spots~" Miydoria smirks and Bakugou was starting to get a little nervous.

"I HAVE NO WEAK SPOT!!" Bakugou growls

"Oh really? If you don't start being a good boy Kacchan I could just get your precious boyfriend out of the picture" this caused the blonde's breath to hitch, worry starts to fill his bright red eyes which causes Miydoria to smirk. "Well?"

"You better not lay a finger on Kirishima..." Bakugou mumbles, trying his best not to shout or growl even though he really wants to.

"That's what I like to hear! And don't worry Kacchan, as long as you don't slip up your boyfriend is fine~" Miydoria giggles "Now lets get you out of this room, I won't want you sitting in the dark all alone!" he says while starting to remove Bakugou's restraints

Once the blonde was completely freed off the chains every bone in his body was telling him to fight and fucking run but he wasn't gonna do that, for all he knows they could have a villain targeting shark boy right now just waiting for the signal to attack and kill him. For once Bakugou had something he cares about more then just becoming the number one hero and surpassing All-Might, in fact that dream was gonna have to be put on hold for a long while.

Or for how long it'll take the pro-heroes to come and get his ass, Bakugou already new that his boyfriend wasn't just gonna sit around and do nothing while he's been kidnapped. Kirishima was probably already putting a "Save Bakugou" team together as we speak.

So the blonde figured he'd only have to deal with the annoying Deku for maybe a week at the most so he wasn't to worried, he was strong willed after all and could defiantly get through it the only thing he didn't like about this fact is that he had to relay on the damn extras saving him instead of doing it himself.

"But just in case, these are staying on~" Miydoria suddenly says, pulling Bakugou out of his thoughts and putting some very weird metal bracelets around his wrists "They'll keep you from using your quirk" The green male explains, noticing the blonde's confused look.

He was right because Bakugou tried just to test it and nothing happened, his quirk just wouldn't activate. Must be something in the metal.

"Oh and one more thing!"

"What else could you possibly want?" Bakugou huffs, really trying not to shout. That's when the green male puts a collar around the blonde's neck, you could see the veins popping out of Bakugou's forehead as he holds in a very loud scream of anger.

"It looks so good on you!~" Miydoria smiles while gently placing kisses all over the top of Bakugou's head and sightly smelling his blonde hair, surprisingly Miydoria had grown taller then Bakugou. "We're gonna have so much fun together~" Miydoria continues to ramble while gushing over the male he was holding in his arms

"You're finally mine~" He purrs into the blonde's ear

'You bastards better hurry' Bakugou thinks to himself, as him his boyfriend could hear this thoughts from where ever the fuck he is. But again he wasn't to worried, what could Deku possibly do to him?

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