Chapter 10

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~Midoriya's POV~

Kacchan slowly looks up at me and I could see the fear in his eyes, he was probably really regretting his decision but it was to late now because he's all mine!~ I sit down onto the bed neck to him and gently start running my fingers though his soft hair, he flinches a little but doesn't pull away from me which made me smirk and I slowly put my chin on top of his head while I rub his shoulder gently.

"I missed you so much Kacchan~" I whisper to him softly, I could tell he was shaking "You've been such a bad boy, you know that?~ running away from me when I love you so much~" I purr.  My grip on him only getting tighter "I'm gonna have to punish you Kacchan, just so you never try to run away from me again~" I purr and his body start to shake even more, it was so cute!

~X~ ~Rape and Torture Warning~

My beautiful trophy looks up at me with fear in his eyes, I had him laying on the bed with his hands cuffed to the headboard. I made sure to use the special cuffs that blocked a person's quirk. He was completely naked and I couldn't help but lick my top lip as I would never get tired of his beautiful body, he hasn't said anything the entire time but he hasn't fought against me either which only made things a lot easier for me.

In my hand was whip that I've used on him before, something I'm sure he remembers all to well. He was biting his bottom to stop himself from making any time of scared whimper as I raised the whip then cracked it down against his stomach making it leave large red burn mark, he bites his lips harder and tears appear in his eyes as I continue to crack the whip against different parts of his bare body. The whip hit him so hard that a couple marks were even bleeding, I felt slightly bad for having to hurt my Kacchan but this was his own fault. He left me so he needs a punishment so he won't leave me ever again.

Once I got board with the whip a put I away and pull out something else, it was one of the many burning candles I had lit before hand. I hold it above Kacchan's torso before slowly tilting it and letting the hot wax pour onto his chest and stomach, from his squirming I could tell it was painful. Once I was finished with that there was only one last thing I wanted to do before I get to the finality and this one was gonna hurt the most... I pull out my pocket knife and gently press it against his stomach. He closes his eyes tightly as I start to carve my name into his stomach, he was doing everything in is power to now scream in pain as I did this.

I was finally finished and he was covered in red marks, hot wax, and blood.

"I'm so sorry Kacchan, I promised the worst of it is over now~" I whisper to him and gently pet his head again, he had fat tears dripping down his cheeks and his lip was bloody from how hard he was biting "no more pain, I promise" I whisper to him again while lifting one of his legs over my shoulder and use my free hand to pull my dick out from my pants and boxers. Even if he wasn't a virgin I was still going to go easy on my beautiful Kacchan, he's gone through enough pain already.

I slowly push into him while bending over him and kissing his bleeding lips, I make slow and gently thrusts while sucking on his busted lip to make feel a little better. I was also wiping away his tears. My thrusts stayed slow and gentle as I whispered praises to him.

"You're so beautiful~ so perfect Kacchan~ I love you so much I just want you all to myself~ no one can compare to you~" and so on, he didn't make any noises but I could tell he was enjoying my love making due to the face his head was lolled back and his eyes were shut tightly. His walls were also twitching and tightening around me which felt amazing. There was drool dripping down the corners of his mouth while tears also continued to fall down, I could see bruises on his wrists from the tightness off the handcuffs.

Soon I felt my end was coming and I release inside of him, I give my Kacchan a handjob until he cums onto his stomach.

"That's it's Kacchan, we're done it's over~" I whisper to him and release him from the hand cuffs, I pull him into my lap and gently rub his back to comfort him. He was clinging to me and crying into my chest, his shoulders were shaking. Poor thing was terrified. "Ahh Kacchan you're okay now~ just relax baby" I continue to try and comfort him and he continues to cry in my chest, probably unsure of what else to do. "Come on Kacchan lets get you cleaned up" I pick him up bridle style and carry him over to the bathroom so I could clean up the wax and blood and put some soothing cream onto the red marks "do did so well baby" I continue to praise him while doing so but he still wouldn't look at me.

I gently dab a wet cloth over the still bleeding cuts I made into him then I grab bandages and wrap up his stomach so it could heal without getting affected, I just wanted others to know what he belonged to me I didn't mean to get so carried way with his punishment. "there, you're all cleaned up" I kiss him gently "let's get you to bed then kacchan, you need your rest"

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