Chapter 12

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~Bakugou's POV~

I hate it here, not only do I have to constantly keep my tempter in check and Deku talks to me like I'm either some little kid or his fucking slave but the other villain extras are always making fun of me saying how weak I am and that if I joined their league then I could be stronger. I'm not fucking weak! If anything I'm the strongest one here, putting up with Deku's bullshit and not trying to kill myself yet. Another thing they make fun of me about is my nightmares like they weren't the cause of them I'm the first place, the only good quality about Deku is that he usually makes them shut up and leave me alone.

Deku does not allow me out of his sight and if he's not here then I'm not aloud outside of his bedroom which isn't fair, if there's one thing I hate it's being cooped up. I wanted to go outside and run or go out somewhere but I wasn't even aloud to walk around the bar on my own, and to make matters worse now I have Deku's stupid name scarred on my stomach. It was gonna be there forever to haunt me, to remind me of all the different things that shitty psycho has done to me and I feel like that was Deku's plan because even if I do get my freedom back it was still be there.

"Kacchan! I have your dinner here!" Deku says cheerfully while opening the bedroom door... ugh. The only one's cooking I would eat is that purple wispy guy's food and even his wasn't as good as what I could do but it at least had flavor, Deku's cooking was completely tasteless, crazy girl would always put blood in her food, Dabi's food was just as burnt as he is, Shigaraki's was as dry and crusty and his face and Twice's didn't even look like food. Sometimes I wonder why they just don't let me cook. "Kurogiri made it, like you requested!"

"Thank you..." he must have noticed my disinterest because he then said

"Sorry you don't like our food" Deku apologizes and hands me the plate, I just shrug and start eating

"I still don't know why you don't just let me cook for you" I mumble while eating

"You could hurt yourself Doll!" He says worried lucky like I'm a little kid that has never held a knife before

"I know how to cook Master" I cringe every time I call him that "I've been doing it even before I met you" I try and argue, being in the kitchen would be better then being in this room all alone.

"I know..." he sighs "I guess I need to stop being so over-protective when we're in the bar" he giggles like this is some kind of joke, and yeah. You do. "Okay! Tomorrow the kitchen is all yours! I'll go tell the others" he then gets up and leaves, leaving me all alone in this room again but I guess I'd rather be alone then with any of them I just didn't wanna be stuck in this one room for the rest of my horrible existence.

~Aizawa's POV~

"Any leads?" I asks the police officer, me and couple other heroes alone with Endeavor were once again at the police station trying to get any details on where my student could be

"Nothing! No matter how hard we look we still can't find anything, it's like they just disappeared into thin air!" The police chief groans with a frustrated tone in his voice "it's not like they could've felt Japan so where in the world did they go?" He asks himself while stairs back at his computer

"We need to fine Bakugou as soon as possible" I tell him

"And put that Midoriya kid to justice before he hurts anyone else" Endeavor adds and I nod

"I know and I'm sorry gentlemen, even your men with hacking quirks haven't been able to find anything yet, we've even researched the possibility of them leaving Japan but nothing came up on that either" he takes a breath "it's bad enough that there is no information whatsoever on the villains Dabi or Shigaraki in the first place, for all we know they could have wiped every single trace of them online!"

"There just be another way" I mumble

"I might have an idea... but I'm not sure you'll like it Aizawa" Endeavor tells me with a cross of his arms

"At this rate I'm open to any ideas anyone has" I sigh while rubbing my temples

"We could lure Midoriya out" Endeavor suggest and I raise a brow

"How'd we even do that? He's already got Bakugou we've got nothing to lure him out with" I stare with a shake of my head

"Actually we do" it took me a second to release what Endeavor meant

"No way! I'm not putting another one of my students in danger! Midoriya literally wants to kill him!" I protest

"It's the only chance we have Aizawa" Endeavor argues and I hate to admit it but he's right, it's really the only idea we've got.

"I'll ask him about it tomorrow" I sigh, this was all giving me a headache. I was even more tired then I usually am, I've been s tressing out so much taking naps is basically impossible for me I'm this situation.

"Alright, find me when he gives you his answer" Endeavor tells me and leaves with a wave goodbye, I can believe I was actually doing this but something told me he wouldn't even think for a second before agreeing to the plan. Even if I don't want to go through with it and put another one of my students in danger but again it was the only shot we've got so far even if it is a shot in the dark.

I mean Bakugou is his boyfriend after all, Kirishima was definitely gonna agree to this plan and that's what scared me the most

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