Chapter 2

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~Mydorida's POV~

"Isn't this exciting!!" Uraraka's super fucking annoying voice squeals in my ears while I'm trying to sleep

"Y-Yeah...!" I fake stutter a giggle while rubbing my eye

"I wonder what we're going to do over there!" She squeals again, of course in my ear

"Yeah, me to" I smile at her, she giggles

"Let's just hope Bakugou doesn't blow the place down" Kaminari, I wanted to kill him for that comment but I of course keep my cool.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU DAMN EXTRA!!!" Kacchan suddenly gets up from his seat and puts his hands out in front of him, ready to explodes Kaminari's stupid face. He's so cute when he acts like that~.

"Woah woah, calm down babe" Kirishima chuckles while sitting Kacchan back down... onto his lap...

I could feel the rage boil inside of me as I watch my Kacchan angrily snuggle into his lap with the most adorable annoyed face ever, I should be the one with Kacchan in their lap not fucking shark boy.

"You alright Deku?" Uraraka suddenly pipes up, worry laced in her voice "You don't look so good" he mumbles with a tilt of her head

"Y-Yeah I'm fine!" I quickly say with another fake stutter

"Hmm... okay if you say so" She then smiles and starts talking to Todoroki, that was close I don't want any of them finding out before it's time. But then again the time is very near anyway so it's not like they would be able to stop me now.


We're were all training, it was late at night and we had all been split into groups. Well most of us where in groups I was walking around on my own, I made an excuse that I was going to look for Kota which was a completely lie. I was just meeting up with my partners in crime to make sure everything is going according to plan.

"Ah Myidoria you've finally arrived" Debi smirks, his hands stuffed into his pockets

"Is everything ready?" I ask, he nods

"You remember the plan right?" He asks me and I nod

"How can I forget? It means I finally get my Kacchan all to myself~"

"Aww why to the cute ones always have to be gayyyy" Toga whines and does a pouty lip, I roll me eyes

"Lets get started then" Debi smirks "I'll take care of Aizawa" He says with a confident look

"Who's gonna be getting Kacchan again?"

"Why me of course!" a voice comes out of now where and some weirdo in a mask and orange suit jumps in front of me "Just leave it me" He bows

"I counting on you guys" I say seriously

"Don't worry Miydoria, we've got this" Debi reassures me, I nod and was about to leave until he said on more thing. "Welcome to the  league of villains" I turn to him and smirk.

"Feels good to be apart of it" And with that I run off

~X~ ~Bakugou's POV~

I watch as some extras and his friends discuss a plan as one of the pussycat's voices announce to us that villains are attacking, they were able to find information about why there here and they're for some reason after a couple of us students. One including me. One of them suddenly grabs me by the hand.

"Come on we have to get you out of here!" I growl and quickly pulls my hand away

"I can take care of myself fucking extra! They said we could fight so I'm gonna fight!"

"Yes but not you! Your the one they're after!" I roll me eyes

"I don't need your damn help!" I use my explosions to blast myself out of there before they could stop me, I could hear them calling my name but it didn't matter I was gonna go fight some villains.

Once I was in the forest I started making my way down the trail, and that's when I heard.

"There you are!" A guy with a mask, orange suit and top hat was there and he was holding some type of marble. "I've been looking for you!" He says in an oddly cheery voice

"Really now?" I smirk, and get ready to fight

"I wouldn't fight if I were you Kacchan~" wait... that's... No fucking way


"Aww~ it's little Kacchan confused? Well if you haven't figured it out by now I'm part of the league of villains now~" He says while placing a hand of his hip. His eyes were glowing a bright green which I had to admit was a bit intimidating.

"WHAT?! WHY?! WHAT THE FUCK DEKU?!" I shout at him

"Because" He runs up to me at speed I've never seem him run before (Let's pretend Debi trained him on the side) "I was tired of Kirishima putting his hands on what's mine" I couldn't move, my whole body felt frozen. I could feel Deku's hands slide up my arms to my shoulders and sweat was dripping down my forehead. "So I decided to take you in the only way I could~" He purrs to me, suddenly fucking Deku's lips smash against mine.

He breaks the kiss and before I could to anything that mask guy appears behind me and puts the marble of my head, I blacked out after that.

~Myidoria's POV~

Mr. Compress hands me the marble with Kacchan inside of it, I'm filled with happiness and I kiss it.

"Just wait when we get to the base I'm going to have so much fun with you~" I purrs to the small Kacchan in my hands

"We should be getting back to Debi and the others, hopefully they've done their share of the plan" Mr.Compress tells me, I nod

"Let's show my so called friends who their sweet little innocent Deku really is~" I purr and put Kacchan into my pocket making sure that it can't fall out.


"DEKU NO!!" Uraraka cries, tears pouring down her cheeks as I leave through the portal willingly. Mr. Aizawa was holding her and rest of them back.

"Don't you see my dear? I only cared about one thing~ and I've got it!" I say holding up the marble with Kacchan

Kirishima gasps and tries to lunge at me but again Aizawa stops him "BAKUGOU NO!!!"

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