Chapter 5

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~Bakugo's POV~

It's been about a month since they put Deku into that prison and no matter what All Might and the others say to him he keep answering with the same words. "This is who I really am" I've been wanting to go and give that fucker a piece of my mind but the pro heroes won't let me saying it's do dangerous for us students and especially me.

I guess it's really for the best because I still can't get over what Deku has done to me while at the league, call me a wimp but I've started get night terrors about him and now I can't sleep with Kirishima there with me. It's like the fucker is haunting my dreams now! Like no matter how hard I try I just can't rid of him, luckily Kirishima has promised to he'd not live my side at night to make sure my night terrors don't happen so I could actually get some damn sleep.

Right now we were inside my dorm, laying on my bed with Kirishima's arms wrapped around my waist and my head nuzzled into his chest. I couldn't help but feel safe inside of his hold so I easily closed my eyes and fall into the darkness we call sleep, I feel my boyfriend kiss my forehead as I do.

~X~ ~Midoriya's POV~

"Alright people, lights out" The guard yells as he turns off the blinding light leaving us in complete darkness I growl and struggle against my chains and straight jacket but once again it does nothing, the straight jacket must be made out of the materials as Mr. Aizawa's scarf.

For the month that I've been here all I could think about was getting my Kacchan back, I NEEDED him back in my arms because he belongs to me and no one else. But no matter how hard I try I can't seem to escape on my own and for something reason those League fuckers haven't come to my aid yet, which made my blood boil because they're supposed to have my back.

That's when I hear a man scream. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Suddenly there's chaos outside of my cell and I can't get close enough to see what's happening but that wasn't a problem since my door is suddenly slammed open, and standing there was Dabi swinging a ring of keys around his finger with his other hand up in blue flames. He puts out the flames and comes over to me taking off the straight jacket and I use my quirk to easily break the chains, and just like that I'm finally free.

"Took you long enough" I growl at him

"Hey, we're here now" Dabi says while rolling his eyes "Let's go before the pro heroes show up" Dabi then says with a 'follow me' hand motion. We didn't have time for arguing so I following him and the rest of the League even including Overhal away from the prison.

It was late and no one was out besides us so we didn't to worry about hurrying to downtown, I felt someone nudge my shoulder and look over to see Dabi once again. I noticed he was holding hands with Shigaraki which I thought was kinda cute.

"So what's the plan now?" he asks me

"The plan is I get my Kacchan back" I growl while glaring at the floor, I almost hear him rolling his eyes

"Okay and how do we do that?" He asks

"Easy, we make him come to us!" I say proudly

"How are we supposed to do that?" Shigaraki asks this time, both males looked very unamused

"Oh you'll see" He snicker evilly and walk a little faster so I'm ahead of the rest of them, again I could almost hear Dabi rolling his eyes but I didn't care right now I was busy plotting out my brilliant plan.

~X~ ~Bakugo's POV~

All throughout the school day I've been having this weird feeling in my stomach, like something was wrong. But everyone else was normal so I did my best to ignore it thinking it was just my paranoia getting the best of me again but something just felt off and I can't place my finger on it.

The lunch bell rings, snapping me out of my thoughts and Mr. Aizawa sends us off to lunch. I walk to the cafeteria hand in hand with Shitty Hair who was as friendly and cheery as ever, I tried to keep my usual attitude but again I just feel more worried then usual and I don't even know what I'm worried about!

"So what are you going to get for lunch babe?" My boyfriend asks me

"Spicy Curry, what do you think?" I roll my eyes and him and he chuckles hugging me tightly

"You're so cute Bakugo!!" He basically shouts while squeezing me, I can't help but blush with a pouty face.

We sit down with the rest of our so called friends with food on our hands, while I was about to take a bite of mine I see Kirishima looking at me with puppy dog eyes and I raise a brow.

"What?" I ask and he pouts

"You know what!" he whines like a child and I sigh handing him my chopsticks, he then smiles brightly and takes some rice and presses it up against my lips. With another eye roll I open my mouth and allow him to feed me, while he does this I do my best to ignore Mina 'awing' at us though it was really getting on my nerves I didn't want to accidentally hurt Kirishima in my angry freak-out.

"You two are so cute together!~" Mina fan-girls and Sero chuckles at her expression, I would say something if Kirishima hadn't fed me some of the curry. I just eat my curry quietly while enjoying the slight burning feeling in the mouth, I glance up at my boyfriend and he's smiling widely at me and I could feel my heart basically melt!

That's it, I'm going to marry this man one day I mean it. I can't live without him in my life.

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