Chapter 7

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~3rd Person View~

The car parks in front of the Bakugou house hold and the two teens exit the car both with a suitcase in hand, once their inside Bakugou instantly gets tackled in a hug by his mother Mitsuki. He shouts and tries to get out of her grip but she only hugs him tighter saying how she's so worried that her baby is gonna be taken from her and he'll get hurt again, the exploding blonde sighs and pats his mother on the back.

"I'll be fine mom" Bakugou tries to comfort here and she smiles

"I know I just hope they catch Midoriya quickly, I can't have anyone hurting my son!" Mitsuki cries and Bakugou sighs. Kirishima chuckles at the scene unfolding in front of him "anyway let's have dinner, the cops brought me a bunch of great ingredients for some beef stew" Mitsuki smiles "I figured a good meal would be the best thing to keep our minds off all the drama going around"

"Sounds great to me!" Kirishima smiles widely, also wanting to stay positive even if he was scared that they'd take Bakugou again and hurt his adorable blonde Pomeranian.

The three join Bakugou's father at the table that was already set up with a huge pot of delicious smelling beef stew and a basket of bread to go along with it, the four eat and talk happily trying to ignore the fact that hero's and police where guarding their house and that there was a crazy villain after the blonde teenager. The four just wanted to enjoy their time together as much as they could and tried to stay positive.


"Your mom sure can cook" Kirishima sighs while patting his stomach "I know where you got your amazing cooking skills from babe" The red shark laughs while putting his bag onto the the floor. Him and Bakugou were currently inside Bakugou's bedroom putting their things away, both teenage boys where stuffed from all the food they'd ate that night.

"Whatever, my cooking is still better" Bakugou mumbles and Kirishima chuckles hugging his boyfriend from behind

"Of course it is babe" Kirishima nuzzles Bakugou's hair, Bakugou continues to unpack and something catches his boyfriend's eye "you kept the bear?" Kirishima asks and Bakugou quickly closes the suit case

"I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!" He shouts while blushing a bright red

"Whatever babe let's just go to sleep, I know you've been getting barely any sleep lately" Kirishima chuckles then says while scooping up his boyfriend bridle style. Bakugou doesn't struggle or protest however and just allows Kirishima to snuggle him in bed, his boyfriend's words were true it's hard for him to sleep alone now a days because of the horrible nightmares he's been getting.

~Midoriya's POV~

"So what's the news?" I asks Dabi

"You, you're escape is all over the news but since we were able to take out the cameras they weren't able to find out how or where you escaped to" He answers after turning off the TV

"What about my Kacchan?" I ask

"From what I've heard he, his family and his boyfriend are on lockdown at his place with hero's and police around the house at all times" Shigaraki answers me this time, that almost made me laugh.

"They think that'll stop me!?" I chuckle "nothing can stop me from getting what I want!"

"Deku we can't take on a bunch of pro hero's and police all at once with just the 6 of us, we'll need a serious plan here" Dabi says to me while walking up to his boyfriend and hugging the crusty handyman from the side by the waist.

"I already have a plan sillies, we're not going to fight against them" I laugh and their stupidity

"But then how are you gonna get Bakugou?" Toga asks curiously while sipping her milkshake

"I'm not gonna get him, he's going to come to me" I chuckle "willingly" I smirk and the others look at me like I'm crazy

"Okay and how your supposed to do that?" Dabi asks while hugging his boyfriend tighter, Toga starts waving her arm back and forth to get our attention p

"Oh! Oh! Oh! It has something to do with the killings you had me do! Am I right?" She asks as if this were a quiz game we were playing

"Correct Toga" she squeals with delight "And this killings are going to continue, I'll be sending my precious Kacchan a note saying if he wants the killing of innocent civilians to end he'll have to bring himself to me" I smirk

"But what if that doesn't work? He could be convinced that the hero's will catch you again first" Shigaraki asks

"Easy... I kill one of my former class mates, with my own hands" I laugh "then another and another until poor Kacchan finally breaks and comes to me willingly to save the rest of his friends and his beloved boyfriend" I was laughing like a maniac at this point but I couldn't help myself

"You're insane Deku" Dabi rolls his eyes "well whatever, we'll help you as much as we can" Dabi then says and Shigaraki nods

"Yay!! More blood for my quirk!" Yoga giggles happily. I leave for my bedroom and close the door behind me locking it behind me, all the could think about is my beautiful Kacchan and having him in my arms again.

He's gonna get one bad punishment for leaving me, I'm gonna show him that he belongs to me and no one else. I've loved him since we were kids even if I allowed him to push around after he discovered his quirk and all through middle school, I wanted them to believe I'm weak so when I actually figured out a way to get my quirk I could finally keep him to myself. Luckily my crybaby act was enough to convince all might to ass his quirk down to me just because I wanted to save my Kacchan from another villain that was trying to rape him.

Of course I tried to save my Kacchan he's mine! And only mine.

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