Chapter 14

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~3rd Person View~

"Kirishima, are you sure you want to go through with this?" Principal Nezu asks the determined teenager

"Whatever it takes sir!" Kirishima basically shouts, the hero's around him were giving the red-headed teen sorrowful and worried expression. They haven't even told the boy what the plan is yet and he's already ready to put his life at risk, a heroic jester yes but a stupid one at that.

"Okay... Here's the plan" Principal Nezu starts "we're going to be using you as bate" all eyes were on Kirishima now, everyone was trying to find any sort of unwillingness in the boy's red eyes but they found none which only made the hero's around him even more worried.

"What do I need to do?" Kirishima asks, there was no hesitation in his voice

"We're going to be sending you back to school, there will still be hero's with you so we won't gain any suspicion" Nezu explains "Midoriya can be very desperate when it comes to the things that he wants so when he finds out that you're no longer being protected on such a large scale he should take this chance to get you"

"What we really need you to do is act natural, he can't know this is a trap" Aizawa adds "but when he does strike you're going to be prepared" he then hands Kirishima a small device

"When you're close enough you're going to inject that into Young Midoriya! It'll both paralyze him and enter a kind of truth serum into his blood stream" All Might explains while pointing to a small button on the device Aizawa gave Kirishima, the red head presses the button and a needle shoots out. Pressing it again and it disappears.

"After that leave any other villains with him to us" Endeavor finishes

"I won't let you guys down!" Kirishima shouts, more determined then ever before

"Alright, tomorrow I'll be seeing you back in class but remember we don't know exactly when Midoriya's will strike so don't let your guard down" Aizawa instructs him

"Oh and one more thing, to avoid getting any of our other students involved do not tell them about our plan" Principal Nezu tells him with a serious tone.

"I won't sir I promise" The teen answers, bowing to his mouse like principal

"Very good, Aizawa will be driving you back to the Bakugou residence, make sure to be ready for school tomorrow" Nezu says, dismissing everyone from the meeting.

"Let's go" Aizawa says putting a hand on Kirishima's shoulder, the teenager nods and puts the device in his pocket and follows his teacher back to the car. Just like on the drive there it was surround by multiple police cars for protection.

Aizawa didn't wanna go through with this plan, he had been silently wishing Kirishima wouldn't agree to it but deep down he already knew someone as determined as Kirishima wouldn't care how dangerous a plan is. It was determining Kirishima would usually be praised for but in this context everyone around the teen was only scared and worried for the red-head's life, Aizawa didn't want to lose another problem child. He's already lost three.

The drive back to the Bakugou house was quiet, both males were lost in thought.

Tension was high and thick enough to cut with a knife, the only noises that could be heard were cars driving and sirens going off around them. Kirishima was nervous he had to admit but nothing was gonna stop him, no one knew if they'd ever get another chance to save Bakugou so they had to take any chance they could get even if it was extremely dangerous.

"Remember Kiri... you're doing this for Bakubabe! Soon you're gonna have him in your arms again and everything will go back to normal!" Kirishima tells himself, trying to look at the bright side like the teen always does but even he had a small amount of doubt in his voice.

"..." Aizawa says nothing and continues to drive until they're in front of the Bakugou house, he parks the car and Kirishima exits it only to enter the house.

Instantly Mitsuki pulls the red-headed teen into her arms, holding him in a bone crushing hug "what did they tell you??" She asks in a worried tone. Her husband standing behind her waiting patiently for Kirishima to answer.

"We have a plan!" Kirishima says happily "I'll bring Bakugou back to you, I promise" Kirishima says with determination in his eyes

Mitsuki cries and nods, holding the shark boy tighter "please... please bring my baby back to me... but please, also stay safe" Mitsuki whispers, wanting her son back but also scared of losing Kirishima too in the process. Kirishima knew he couldn't let her or Masaru down, he couldn't let himself down. And most importantly he couldn't let Bakugou down.

"Come on honey, let's go to sleep... you haven't slept in days" Masaru says while gently prying his wife off of the red headed teenager "you should get some sleep too Kirishima, I'm sure you'll be needing it"

"Of course sir, thank you sir" Kirishima says softly watching Masaru take his wife upstairs to their bedroom but not before he turns around to look at Kirishima one last time "and thank you Ejiro, for everything you've done for my family" he then closes the bedroom door and Kirishima is left in the living room alone, unable to move at the moment as his head is filled with to many thoughts.

"I guess I better get to bed! I have school tomorrow after all, it's gonna be weird waking up easily again" Kirishima enters Katsuki's bedroom. Feeling a sense of loneliness just like all the other times.


Hello my demon children big and small!! This is where you choose where the story goes from here! Do you want Bakugou returned to his boyfriend and family or will Midoriya be victorious in killing Kirishima and keeping Bakugou to himself forever? The choice is yours!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2020 ⏰

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