Family Info

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Hey guys I want to give anyone a lot of info on N/a and her family this is part of the story and you will get to know your past and family. Well a bit than its back with the hotel.   Thank you all for reading my story hope you all enjoy. 

N/a Pov~

Me and my brothers are close as a family should be, if anything we are closer than a normal family. I am so thankful for my brothers and I would never trade them for everything. They make my life worth living and they are prince's in the best way ever. And they had my back and helped my through our parents died. It hit us all the hard but for me it hit the hardest because I was the oldest and I was crown queen the next day after we found out about there dead's. As the queen I had to be strong for my family and people I couldn't show any weakness and couldn't cry. I never thought they would die and no one could really explain why they dead or how they did. 

This made anyone in the kingdom scared and fear everything. I had to show they that everything was going to be okay and we are all here for each other but on the inside I was hurting and scared. I was always shown how to be a queen and all but it something complete different in real life. I started to shut down and push everyone away not wanting to feel this pain ever again. But my brothers seen right through my act. One day they all hugged me telling me everything was going to be okay and it's okay to cry and never be scared to ask for help. 

This made me cry so hard because before I felt so alone like I couldn't ask anyone for help. That I was forever met to be alone. I cried in my brothers arms for a week straight after that I felt so much better and we all agreed to help each other and without them I don't know where I would be. So in my eyes my brothers are my everything and I will do anything to keep them safe. 

Any back everyone was greeting everyone well I was in my head. Jack was holding my arm looking scared to say hello anyone. I smile and picked him up and hugged him. I made my way over to Charlie and Veggie. "Hey guys so what you think?" I said looking at them still holding Jack close to me. "It looks great thank you N/a  so much your making my dreams come true" she said smiling trying to hug me. I hand her Jack letting her hug him which he doesn't mind since it is a female. "Your so cute how old are you?" Charlie asked hugging him still. "He is 10 years old in humans years" I said looking at my other brothers. "Awe wait how old is he in Fox's years" Veggie asked looking at me. 

"10,000 years old" I said looking at Alastor. I make my way other to Alastor who was talking to James and Billy. "Hey Alastor I love what you picked out" I said smiling at him. "Glad you love you dear I was only giving some ideas your brothers did a great job making everything look great" he said with a smile. "Do you like my sister Alastor" Billy asked straight up making Lucifer ran over between me and Alastor.  "NO he can't have my daughter I won't let you marry her" Lucifer said holding me tightly to him. This just pissed me off and I take a deep breath in before yelling on the top on my lungs for my brother Luke. 

Who came running over to us taking me out of Lucifer arms. "Old man stop man handling my sister before I take your head and put it up your fucking ass she is not your daughter and she is a queen treat her like one" Luke hissed at Lucifer. See Luke doesn't like Lucifer at all he only works for god because he is nicer is what my brother says plus he is the warrior in our kingdom. He trains a lot of our people to be warrior or whatever. Luke sometimes act like my big brother which i don't mind. He does keep my other brothers in check. He is the one who always checks on me. 

"She is to my daughter I adopted her and show my respect little boy I am the king of hell" Lucifer hissed getting in Luke face. "Well sister we have to get going but we will check in everyday to make sure your okay at all times you must come back to the castle and do your duties" James yelled pulling all my brothers through the portal back into our kingdom before a fight breaks out between Lucifer and Luke. Luke is always ready to get in fights and won't decline anyone fights. "Ok Love you guys bye" I yelled before the portal closes. Once it closes I take a deep breath and let my body relax really quick before I remember Lucifer is still here. 

"So Lucifer what brings you here? " I asked looking at him with a piss off look.  "Come on call me dad or father or daddy" Lucifer said making me shake from it. "God please stop you are a king act like it" I hissed backing away from him and closer to Alastor. "Yes Lucifer you are being quite childish right now" Alastor said putting his hand on his forehead. I guess he is getting a head ache from Lucifer too. "I just wanted to see my kids and to see the hotel very nice and keep up the good work kids" Lucifer said hugging Charlie. "Thank you dad but you should get back before mom notice your gone" Charlie said blushing.

 "Ahhh you are right good bye my children and Alastor and Angel dust touch my daughters I will have your head on my wall" Lucifer said before getting in the limbo and leaving. "Well then that was something" Angel said making me laugh softly before I pass out from the little sleep I got the last couple of days. Last thing I feel before letting sleep take a hold of me was Alastor holding telling everyone I was okay and I was just tired. 

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