Getting More Information

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Reader Pov~

I made my way to the castle because I need to get more information on Alastor. And who knows more about anyone well the king himself. I make my way over to the door, just as I was about to knock on the door it open standing there was Lucifer himself with a big smile. "Ahhh N/a you have come to see your dad?" he asked with a smile. I should just play around because he won't stop ever. "Hey dad I came here to get more information on someone because my people can't find any information on the person" I said making my way over to him. 

"Oh and who would that be?" he said hugging me which I return. I mean he isn't a bad person and I hold a lot of respect for this man. Remember our past go away back since I was born. "Alastor I need to know more information plus I thought  we could eat something like the old days before I go to work" I said smiling back at him. " I see well I don't know much information on him myself but I will help with all I can and I would love to eat with you sweetie" he said nodding his head. I smile and began to walk to the throne room with him close behind me. 

I get a text message from the devil himself Alastor (Hey N/a just wanted to make sure your okay). I quickly text him back (Yes I am okay handsome just doing some business :) ). I quickly chuckle to myself as we make it to the throne room to see Lilith "Mom great to see you" I said making my way over to her and bowed in front of her. "oh N/a your here and stop bowing to me you know you don't have to" she said pulling me into a quickly hug. "N/a I will be right back I will go get that book which will tell you all you need to know" Lucifer said as he makes his way out of the room. 

"I see your here to get more information you always do your job great oh I need a favor from you if you don't mind" Lilith said sitting down. "Of course mom what is it that I can help you with?" I said making my way over to her. But I felt my phone go off I do have it on silent mode so no one heard. "You see a few sinner are making problems and I am very busy right now can you get someone to take care of the problem please" she said looking at me. "Yes just give me the name and I will handle it right away" I said as she hands me a piece of paper. I take out my phone and take a picture and sent it to Alastor. ( Hey mind helping more deal with thing people they are making problems for Lilith). Just as I sent the text Lucifer comes back in holding a book. 

"Here in all the information we have on Alastor that we got to keep. Alastor seen to take all of his information beside this book which I had deeply hidden" he said with a smile. I looked over the book and all it told me as that Alastor is a former radio host and southern serial killer hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana. He lived during the early 20th century, having witnessed the Stock Market Crash of 1929. He died in 1933. When Alastor arrived in Hell, he possessed raw power, which was never before seen in a human soul, and trampled powerful demons who had been in charge for centuries. He then broadcasted this carnage on the radio for everyone to hear, thus earning the title "The Radio Demon".

Which isn't a lot of information but I know a little bit more on him. I smirk to myself just as I get a text from Alastor. (Yes Of Course where are you I will come grab you). I texted him telling himself I was at the castle. "Hey dad I have to do a rain check I have duties I need to get done I am sorry" I said looking up at him. "I understand I guess my wife told you about the trouble makers" he said with a serious look on his face. "Yes I am going to handle that right now my ride is on there way as we speak" I said with a smile. "Thank you I knew we could count on you" he said with a smile as Lilith just nods her head. I get a text from Alastor telling me he is here to get me. 

"Okay my ride is here I will talk to you guys later bye mom and dad" I said making my way to the door. "Bye sweetie stay safe and love you" Lilith said with a wave. "Love you N/a" Lucifer said with a smile. I make my way out the door and to the limbo to see Alastor standing there waiting for me. "Hey Dear you ready?" he said with a smirk holding the door opening. I just nod my head and smile at him as I get in the limbo. "So did you get the info on what you were going for?" he asked with a evil smirk. "Well I got some bit it seems someone away most of the information for some reason" I said looking at him as we drive off. 

"Oh?" he said with a evil chuckle.I just laugh along with him. I lean over to him and kiss his cheek and said "Thank you handsome for helping me with this I know how much you love killing people I think we might have to show everyone not to mess with us and the overlords. They are starting to think they have power here and we can't have that." "I love the way you think I will have all my people get everything together at the radio station so people will know better" he said smirking like crazy. 

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