Chapter 12- Confidential

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Nothing to say really...enjoy the 12th chapter.

Zayn's POV
I walk into the bathroom and close the door.
Lucy's POV
Is it crazy that I trust him?


Lucy's POV

Well, not only do I trust him, but maybe I sort of...kind of....maybe like him? Crap, is it too soon? I felt like I've known him for forever. Oh, who am I kidding? He will never like me. He probably thinks I'm a freak. He's probably just being friendly because I cried. Twice. Not including when he found me crying. I'm a mess. A big, fat, ugly, broke down, can't-keep-her-shit-together mess. I literally don't know why he even bothered to help me...

The bathroom door opens and Zayn comes out, wearing boxers and a t-shirt, scratching the back of his head. Damn it Lucy, you need to stop thinking about him like that. He won't ever like you. He doesn't like you like that, I continue to remind myself of this as he sits down beside me, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I hear him say softly.

"Wha- oh nothing." Crap, he must've seen my eyes, which were watering because of the thoughts swirling in my head.
He doesn't like you.
He thinks you're worthless.
Everyone else does, too.
Why are you even here?
He doesn't want you here.
It's not like he means anything kind he says.

"Lucy." He says. It still surprises me how kind his voice can sound when you just remember that this is the same guy who had the strength to run a hole through part of a house. He sits across from me, sitting right in front of me, and takes my cold hands into his warm ones. Thank the stars I couldn't see his eyes with my blurry ones. "You can tell me." I shake my head. "Keeping everything in doesn't help." I shake my head again. "Lucy, don't tell me there's nothing. There is definitely something."  I shake my head yet again. He sighs. "There is something. Something you're not telling me. But you need to. So tell me. And don't lie to me. I hate it when people lie to me. It's just gonna be worse when I find out for my self. Now please, tell me." I just sit there, looking down. No way in hell am I telling him. That is way too embarrassing. Just, no. He'd probably think I was stupid.
An extra mouth to feed. Taking up space in this world.
Anything else? Oh yeah.
A problem.
A nuisance.

"C-Can we j-just go to b-bed?" I stutter. I need to fall asleep so that these thoughts turn into dreams and he doesn't get suspicious.

He sighs, rubbing light circles into the back of my hands. "Normally, this is where I would say 'not until you tell me' and all that, but you've had a rough day, and we have to go to that hell hole early tomorrow, so you need to sleep." He gets up and gets two blankets from one of the beanbags, draping one onto himself and tossing the other one onto the bed beside me. I take it, pulling it around me.

"What movie would you like to watch?" He turns out the lights and scrolls through Netflix.

"I don't know. A superhero movie. Or like an action movie or something." He peers,sideways at me.

"You sure? You're into that kinda stuff?"

"Yeah. Why not?" He picks the action section.

"Oh, oh, oh, can we watch World War Z? I haven't seen that one yet." He turns to me, eyes wide. I can't even. How cute.

"Yeah I'm fine with it. I haven't seen it either."

He puts it on and we both lay back on the headboard simultaneously. We sit in silence as we watch the beginning. All of a sudden, I'm hyper-aware of Zayn sitting not two feet away, our shoulders about an inch apart. I peek over at him.

He had this concentrated look on his face, his bottom lip pulled in between his teeth and his eyes focused on everything happening on-screen. It was really quite adorable. I forgot about the movie and just  watched Zayn's reactions. It's interesting to see his thoughts shown on his face when he has an indifferent expression all the time.

About halfway through the movie, I start getting tired. I yawn and lay down fully.

"You tired?" Zayn asks, not taking his eyes off the movie.

"Yeah, I'm just going to go to sleep."

"You want me to turn it off?"

"Oh, no. You can keep watching if you want. It doesn't bother me."

"Okay." He says, and he puts an arm around me, pulling me closer to him so my head rests on his shoulder.

"G'night." He says, as if nothing ever happened.

"Night." However mind-blown I was at his actions, I was dead tired. I guess getting your head smashed against a mirror and putting 152 pounds of pressure on your leg takes a lot out of you. As soon as I close my eyes, I was asleep.

Harry's POV

I lay in bed, not tired at all. Just thinking. Thinking about Lucy.

The way Madison talked to made me realize how much of it was actually a lie. Lucy doesn't hang out with us, so she's not in the "popular" crowd, but she isn't a low life either. She has friends.

Okay, okay. So I kinda like her. I mean, she's hot, who wouldn't want to have her? She's nice, that's for sure. She's shy, but who isn't? I guess she's also sensitive, but with help from me, she'll be tough in no time. How do I get her to like me? Should I come off as shy, too? Or maybe a badboy approach. What  really need is to find out what she already thinks of me, see if it's good or bad, and work my way up from there. Okay, yeah. That's my plan. I just want her to be mine. I mean, she's a single hot chick that nobody has claimed yet so, why not?

I turn around and face my window.

I heard form Liam that Zayn is back. Not sure whether to be happy or pissed. Zayn is not your typical person. He's a leader. His dad's a leader. And you don't mess with leaders because no matter how high up you are on the ladder, they're always higher. But not only that. Zayn is the type of person that doesn't give a fuck about anything but always manages to get everything right anyway. He doesn't care about anyone but his family and his crew. People that actually know him and what he does. But to know what he does you have to do it, too.

But Zayn is not the person you want to disrespect, even if he wasn't one of the most powerful people you knew. He's also one of the strongest, and I've seen his anger get the best of him. Yeah, you need a bit of temper to be part of us, but that's why he's the leader. He gets things done faster because nobody wants to get him mad. Other than that, he has this type of aura around him...makes people look up to him. And he holds himself up in such a way that he seems fearless. I sound jealousy, don't I? Just a tad. When it's Zayn, it's hard not to be jealous.

I decided to get some sleep. I plan on apologizing to Lucy. Its a start.


Heyy. So comment vote do whatever


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