Chapter 3-I've Heard Worse

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Hey, chapter three here. ^^^Picture of Madison up top^^^


The bell rings, signaling the start of school. We all separate as we walk in.

"See you in second period." Sarah says.

I spend homeroom and first period by myself. After second period with Sarah, though, I have 4th period with Kendall, 5th is lunch so I see all of them, 6th period with Violet, and 8th period with both Violet and Kendall.  All of the other classes I spend by myself. It's funny how the periods I have with my friends are all even periods. We all had a laugh over that one on the first day.

"Bye." I say quielty. 

I start my long walk down the hallway. I am always late to class because my locker is a whole 2 halls down from my homeroom. Today is no different. After I opened my locker and as I am getting my books, the bell rings.

"Shit." I say to nobody. The hall is empty except for me.

I shut my locker and make my way to homeroom.

I'm about halfway down the hall when a door opens on my left. Out comes the most popular girl in school, or in my opinion the school slut, Madison Waters, and behind her, Harry Styles. Madison is fixing her hooker top and running her manicured hands through her long blonde extentions. Harry is buttoning the top of his button down and flipping his curls. He smiles at me. I return it.

"Hey." He says. Even if I've never had a crush on him like a lot of other girls, I can honestly say he is very nice even though he is known for sleeping around.

"Dont talk to her, babe!" Madison snaps at him. She looks at me more closely.

"Hey aren't you that emo girl who dresses wierd and doesn't talk?" she says, not looking for an answer. But I giver her one. I dont know why but I give her one. I must be crazy.

"I'm not emo. Do I look emo?" 

We all stare at each other in surprise. Well, I stare in surprise and and Madison stares in anger and disbelief. Harry just stands there akwardly, like he doesn't want to be there.

" Uhh...I'm just gonna be goin-" He starts to say while taking a step away from us.

"No. Stay. I'll be done with this little tramp in a second." She turns her full attention to me.

Well you look emo and that's what people think you are. Mabye you should stop cutting." She says in a fake sweet tone.

Ouch. She hit a nerve. I used to cut all of the time because of my depression. Now it's not so much, but I do cave in every now and then. I only have one long scar in the crease on my elbow, but the rest are on my stomach and upper thighs so I could still wear shorts and people won't see them.

"Well," I say, mocking her fake tone, "People think you're a slut. Mabye you should stop with the one- nighters and get a real job."

She drops her fake act after I said that.

"Listen, and listen good," she says. Now I've made her pissed. " You act like somebody wants you here. Nobody does. Not even your loser friends. You think people like you? Please, they rather never see you again. You think you're pretty? Do you? Not one boy would even look once at you. I bet you haven't had a boyfriend since never. You know what? How about you go contribute to society and worldwide happiness and go kill yourself or something."

I can't believe she said that. I mean, she has bullied me since I started secondary school, but never with words like that. I feel my eyes start to water.

Yo, seriously?! That's messed up. You know what we're over." I hear Harry say. Are you okay?" He says to me. But his voice sounds like it's coming from the end of a tunnel.

"Yeah, yeah, sure I'm okay. I've heard worse." I mumble. I start to run down the hall.

"Wait!" I hear Harry say. 

But I don't respond. Instead I run out the front door of the school and don't stop.


Heyy sorry I haven't been updating Ive been packin and getting ready to move but I WILL finish this story. Love you guys you are the best followers ever!


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