Chapter 13- The Jealousy Begins

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Heyy so here's the 13th chapter. Hope you like.
Harry's POV
I decided to get some sleep. I plan on apologizing to Lucy. It's a start.
Lucy's POV
When I woke up the sun was all over my face and, for a second, I was blinded. I'm surprised. This kind of weather doesn't usually happen in Bradford.
I become aware of an arm around my shoulders, hugging me to something warm next to me. Zayn. I forgot he did that. I guess we fell asleep during the movie. I look up at him. He's so cute when he sleeps. Eww, Lucy, that's stalker thoughts. My phone vibrates on the nightstand. As much as I want to stay here, I have to get ready.
I carefully move Zayn's arm from around me and tiptoe to my bag. I grab it off the floor and head into the bathroom, closing the door gently behind me and locking it. Why? I'm paranoid.
I lay out everything from my bag and strip off my clothes. I hop into the shower and scrub myself off. In my peripheral vision, I notice something silver and black. I turn around and my heart stops. A razor. Don't do it, Lucy. Do. Not. Pick. It. Up. But my hand mechanically moves and picks it up, anyway. It was so cold in my hand. And familiar. Do you really want to do this? I ask myself. YES. Dad hates me anyway.
I bring the blade to my stomach and close my eyes. Lucy, don't do it. This was suppose to make you forget about him. Zayn was suppose to make you forget about him. But he's still here, I argue with myself. Should I do it? What if Zayn finds out? I can't even think about what he would do if he found out. But I need it. It's like my drug. There is too much suffering and pain inside of me that I need to get out. Maybe you should put the razor down, like a good girl.
All I hear is the sound of my skin tearing and the roar of pain in my ears. Why are you doing this again?  Oh, right. Cause there's no other way out.
I do it over and over and over again, almost getting dizzy by the amount of blood washing away down the drain.
This is for dad. Ripp.
This is for mom. Ripp.
This is for Claire. Ripp.
This is for Danny. Ripp.
This is for Madison. Ripp Ripp Ripp.
I rip and tear my skin to a raw, bloody mess. I'm sure these people will be glad I'm doing this to myself.
I sort of lost track of time, being in the numbing pain that I was in, until the water got cold. I quickly shut it off.
What have I done? Is the first thing I think when I look at myself. Redening cuts make a zigzag pattern across the skin of my stomach, overlapping in some places, which cause extreme pain. My eyes widen at the two perfectly straight horizontal cuts on my left wrist, just below my palm. Shit. I must have been too preoccupied with pain that I didn't realize that I had cut on my wrist. Shit shit shit. To make my appearance any worse, there are massive purple and blue bruises covering almost every inch of my skin. I can't even look at myself anymore. It's sickening.
I quickly towel off and put my clothes on.
Today I'm wearing a plain red long sleeve top, black skinny jeans, and colorful socks. I actually sit there on the bathroom floor and thank whoever is in the heavens above and all that's holy that there are two leather wrist bands at the bottom of my bag.
Maybe someone does love me.
Haha. Good one, Lucy.
I put one on my wrist, just to be sure nobody sees the cuts, and hiss when I strap it too tight. There's a knock on the door.
"Lucy, hurry up." Zayn groans from the other side.
"Almost done." I rush to put on my red Converse and my black studs. I throw everything in my bag-triple checking to see that there's no blood anywhere- and open the door.
"Finally. You take forever." Zayn says from across the room, a ridiculous amount of hair products in his hand.
"Well, with all those hair products, I'm surprised you don't take longer."
He sticks his tongue out childishly at me and runs into the bathroom. "You look beautiful, by the way." He says just before he closes the door.
And...cue the blush.
I start folding the blankets while he's in there and making sure everything's in order. Instead of focusing and analyzing on what he just said, I decide to look at the many paintings literally painted on the wall. There was so much. I wonder how he could do all this in just two days. I quickly pick my favorite one. It wasn't too big, but it was bigger than most of the others. It was a light blue crown with white gemstones encrusted in it. Except that each gemstone faded from white on the outside to black in the middle. It was beautiful, really, and it was now my favorite one.
I'm shocked when he comes out in about 5 minutes.
"How did you..." I shake my head.
"You don't need a whole two hours to get ready." He smirks at me.
"Oh, shut up." I couldn't help but notice how good he looked today. He was wearing a black t-shirt under an open blue button down. He had black skinny jeans and blue and black Converse to match. His hair was styled into a flawless quiff again, not one hair out of place.
Okay, Lucy, don't freak out. It's just an extremely attractive boy in front of you...think of food. Yes, food sounds good right now.
"So what are we eating?" He asks, and I'm startled at how he was thinking the same thing that I was.
"Um, I don't know. I'm not that hungry." Lies. I could eat an elephant right now, that's how hungry I am. But I have to listen to the people around me. And they say I'm fat. So I won't eat. Besides, I think I'm making progress. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday, and then it was only a piece of toast. There is some good in my messed up life.
"Oh, come on. How about Starbucks?" He makes a pouty face at me. I laugh.
"Whatever floats your boat, Zayn." He practically drags me to the front door, and the momentarily forgotten pain from my wrist resurfaces. I almost scream, but I don't. Instead, I make a whimpering sound that he mistakens for refusal.
"Come on, wanna walk?" He asks with one hand on the doorknob.
"Sure." It was sunny out, why not? He opened the door and held it for me.
When I step outside the first thing I do is look over at my house. The curtains are drawn, the door closed. It loks so peaceful. I notice that my mom and Claire haven't left yet. And here I am, their missing daughter, a stone's throw from the door that can open any second and reveal me.
"Let's go." Zayn says gently, and he takes my hand in his, tugging me in the opposite direction.
Something close to nausea builds up in my stomach and I fell my heartbeat accelerate. Damn you, Zayn.
"Okay." I let him guide me away from the street and down another sidewalk. It's quiet for moment.
"How do you stand it?" He asks quietly.
"Stand what?"
"Your dad." He sighs. "To be honest, I feel like murdering him." Well, damn.
"Yup, Danny said that, too. Except, of course, he left us with him, left me with him. He's the only one that's free."
"Because. He was 18 when he left. A legal adult. IF my dad called the cops, they couldn't do anything about it because hes an adult."
"Tell me something." He continues.
"If you ever got to see your brother again, what would you say to him?" His expression is unreadable.
"Well, I would tell him how much I missed him, then how much I wished he wouldn't have left. And that, well, that I love him, I guess." He stays silent.
"Hey, can we play a game?" A devious smile spreads across my face.
"What type of game?" He looks at me sideways.
"So....that's a yes?" He rolls his eyes.
"Sure. What game?" He repeats.
"You're it." I poke his arm and run away towards Starbucks. I don't look back, so I don't know how he caught up to me so fast, but when I turned the corner to catch my breath, I felt something poke my cheek.
"You're it." He says, then runs away.
"Damn it." I mutter while chasing after him.
This is why I try to lose weight.
I spot him walking quickly, weaving in and out through a crowd of people. He would have been perfectly hidden if not for...well, how aware I am of him. It's unnatural.
I came up behind him and tapped his shoulder.
"You're it." I start to run. When I get outside of one of Starbucks' many windows, I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and lift me off the ground, spinning me towards the door.
"Stop Zayn, I already won." I say to him. He stops, his arms still around me. Then, he starts tickling me.
"No, you didn't. I won. Say it." He says, but all I can do is laugh uncontrolably.
"Z-Zayn s-s-stop!" I keep laughing and he keeps tickling me.
"Not until you admit I won." I was so breathless from running, so his close proximity only added to the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. Of course, his tickling didn't help.
"F-Fine okay y-you win." His hands stop their torture. I took a deep breath. He took his hands from my waist and instead took one of my hands in his.
Suddenly I'm aware of great torents of pure pain shooting through me. Oh, right. The cuts. Well, I guess that's my own fault so I'll have to take it in silence.
"I always win." He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes, the pain subsiding. At that moment I notice someone was watching us. I don't know for how long, but they were. And I did not want to see him at this particular moment. Or any moment for that matter.
And....cliffhanger. again. My special gift to you guys. Don't you love it. JK, JK. What do you think? How will Harry react? Comment. Vote. Take a selfie. Whatever.

>>>>>>>>>>Picture of Adam Winston to the side>>>>>>>>>>I know he hasn't been introduced yet but he will be.

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