A Portal To Another Universe

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Third Person POV

Ryou had just finished his battle againts Neo Zeong and is currently heading back to Nahel Argama for repairs. Whilst flying through space back to the Nahel Argama, Ryou decided to listen to some music

(Play the song above)

Ryou's POV

Ryou: Finally, peace at last for the E.F.S.F. Full Frontal was a opponent not to be taken lightly. *checks Gundam status* Hmmm, it seems that the Gundam is in need of repairs. Better head back to the Nahel Argama or Captain Mitas will be pissed. *shudders at the thought of a yelling Captain Otto Mitas*

But as he said that, a giant portal rips through reality and begins to suck in the Unicorn Gundam.

Ryou: Shit!! I wasn't ready for this!

As tries to get out of there will all of the thrusters on max, its no use because he has already been pulled into the portal

Ryou: Damn it! Ugh, the captain will not like this one bit. *sighs* Might as well go through the portal fully and see what's on the other side.

The Unicorn's thrusters sends out a massive roar as it leaves behind Minovsky Particles.

A few minutes later, Ryou arrives at a different place but what piqued his mind is the shattered moon

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A few minutes later, Ryou arrives at a different place but what piqued his mind is the shattered moon. He could sense a lot of dark energy radiating off this nearby planet but also some light energy.

Ryou: This planet is not in the data banks of the E.F.S.F. Its probably habitable. Well, here goes nothing.

As the Unicorn Skyrocketed towards the unknown planet, he decided to contact the Nahel Argama.

Ryou: Lieutenant Denuja to Nahel Argama, is anyone reading me?


Ryou: Crap, humanity's worst possible enemy, no signal...

He entered the atmosphere of the planet and landed in a forest. Deciding that staying in the Gundam will lead him nowhere, he decided to exit it and find some answers. Of course being the logical person he is, he left the Unicorn on Sentry Mode so that no one will steal the mobile suit.

Ryou: This place is really bizzare...

Suddenly, he heard rustling coming from the bushes. Quickly, he reached for Silver Chariots and aimed at the bushes. Once the rustling stopped, a massive black wolf with a white mask pounced on him. Before it did any damage, Ryou shot the head of the black beast stunning it for a while as he transfered some of the Psychoframe energy to his guns and picked off the beast.

Ryou: Just what are these creatures...

Nox: YO guys, so this is my first ever story written on Wattpad. I hope this first chapter gives you an idea of where this is going! Have a great day.

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