A New Planet To Explore

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Third Person POV

We see Ryou trekking through a forest in search for civilization. Currently, he is in deep thought of whatever was that creature. Its appearance looked grim and evil.

Ryou: *in thought* That creature had armour on its face and spikes all over its body... I just hope I can find answers soon...

After trekking for almost half an hour, he finally found a village, but the village was under attack by the same creatures he fought in the forest. Acting quickly, he dashed out of the forest and pulled out his sword. He transfered some of the Psychoframe energy to the sword resulting it to glow a bright blue. He immediately slashed the monster when it was trying to kill a family.

??? : A-are you a huntsmen? T-thank you for saving us from the Grimm!

Ryou: I have no idea what a huntsmen is but I have a question, what are those creatures?

??? : I-it's called Grimm, what you are fighting right now is a Beowolf Grimm.

Mother: Greg!! Are you okay honey!?

Greg: I'm fine mom, this guy saved me from the Grimm!

Mother: I-

Ryou: You can thank me later, I need to finish off these guys.

He says as he pulls out Silver Chariots and reloading their chambers. He jumped in the air and did a 360 whilst shooting the Grimm.

(from 0:00 to 0:03)

(Like this but replace Red Hood with Ryou)

The pack of Beowolfs were stunned but didn't get the chance to react as Ryou slashed them all in a blink of an eye. They Grimm dropped dead and faded out of existence.

Ryou: All in a day's work. *wipes off blood from the sword*

Ryou: *turns back to the family* *coughs* So, I have a few questions to ask you both. Where am I exactly and how to I get back to civilization?

Greg: Seeings as you're not from around here, you are in Hiyaki village. Just on the outskirts of Vale. And second of all, in order to find civilization, you can either head to Vale. There's a lot of people living there. Also, thank you for saving me from the Grimm mister...?

Ryou: Ryou. Ryou Denuja. Thanks for the info kid, stay safe with your mother alright? Sarabada.

Ryou stood outside the village as Gundam Perfectibility landed infront of him. The family were shocked to say the least.

Greg: WOW! I didn't know Atlas made posh robots!

Ryou: Sorry to break it to ya, but it's not made from whoever this "Atlas" is. It's made from Anaheim Electronics and was requested by Captain Otto Mitas to build the Unicorn Gundam Perfectibility from the E.F.S.F. I was lucky enough to be the pilot of it.

Greg: So... Its not a paladin?

Ryou: if its technology is inferior to my Gundam, then I suppose not.

Suddenly, the Unicorn's hand moved to Ryou's level and opened its palm, Ryou steps onto the palm and quickly went in to the cockpit. He then blasted off to this so called "Vale".

Ryou: This is going to be one hell of a journey....

Nox: And that's it for the second chapter of this book! I hoped you enjoy it as much as I do! Sayonara!

Perfectibility (Male reader x rwby x gundam) [HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now