The Argument And A Painful Headache

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Weiss appeared in her huntress attire with a sheathed Myrtenaster. She took a stance before unsheathing her weapon from her hip. With a determined look on her face, she was ready to face whatever Professor Port was about to throw at her.

*beast growls*

Yang (cheering): Goo Weiss!

Blake: Fight Well! *waves a tiny flag with the teams initials on it*

Ruby: Yeah, represent Teaaam RWBY!

Ryou: Try not to die... Mkay?

Weiss quickly glared at Ryou before turning to Ruby

Weiss: Ruby, I'm trying to focus.

Ruby: Oh, sorry.

Ryou: *pats her shoulder* It's alright Ruby, she's just... A bit moody today. It's probably her coffee that expired or something.

Professor Port: Alright, let the match begin!

He swung an axe at a padlock which released the beast within the cage, a Boarbatusk. The Grimm growled before charging at Weiss with high speeds. She dodged the oncoming attack from the Boarbatusk as it turns around to find its target.

Professor Port: Haha, wasn't expecting that were you?

Ruby: Hang in there Weiss!

Weiss dashed straight for the Boarbatusk but the Grimm's... tusks caught the blade head on.

Weiss: Waugh! Gah!

She was struggling to get free her weapon from the Grimm as Ryou sat there with a stoic expression on his face.

Ryou (thinking): Hmm, a daring tactic. But a frail and naive one. She needs improvement.

Just then, Ryou's head was aching with pain as the images of Phenex flashed before his eyes. A mysterious figure with brown hair and blue eyes approached him. He was wearing mobile suit attire.

???: Find us, Ryou. You can't defeat her alone. She will bring reinforcements. And it's not just the Grimm that I'm talking about.

Ryou: What do you mean? Who is she? What reinforcements?

???: It will all be revealed in due time. But for now, reach for the light inside your heart and call out to us. For we, shall fight alongside you in this war.

Ryou: Wait! I still have a lot of questi-

???: As I said, it will be answered in a much later future. You must wake up. Wake up. Wake up!!

Ryou suddenly woke up from his dream. He looked to his left to see Yang and Blake.

Yang: Did you get enough sleep last night? You fell asleep as Weiss won the battle. After that, I saw you with your face in your hands.

Ryou: I.. Just need some rest. I'll be in the dorms if you need me.

Yang: Sure! Do you want anything from the cafeteria so I could bring it to you?

Ryou: Nah, it's fine. Just need some sleep.

*Timeskip Night time*

Ryou was laying on his makeshift bed as he starred out the window. Everyone else was asleep. Yang and Blake on their beds while Ruby on her desk.

Ryou: She really went all out huh.

Just then, the door opened to reveal Weiss. She approached Ruby with a smile on her face. She tapped Ruby's shoulder gently and she woke up abruptly.

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