Ozpin And His Ideals

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*3rd person POV*

As Ryou sat in the middle of a room with the girl next to him, the woman who is known as Glynda Goodwitch paced around them as she lectures about their actions.

Glynda: I hope you realise that both of your actions will not be taken lightly. You put yourselves and other in grace danger.

???: They started it!

Ryou: Can't argue with her, she is speaking facts.

Glynda: If it were up to me you would be sent home with a pat on the back-

The girl's mood lit up when hearing this

Glynda: -and a slap on the wrist!

As she slapped her crop on the table causing the girl to jump. But Ryou didn't seem to be effected by this.

???: eep!

Glynda: But, there is someone here that would like to meet you..

Out of the shadows, a man appeared carrying a mug and a plate of cookies

???: Ruby rose...

Ryou: *in thought* So that's her name..

???: And... Mr...?

Ryou: Denuja, Ryou Denuja.

???: I see. *turns to Ruby* You have... Silver eyes...

Ruby: Uh..

Ryou: *muttering* creep.

???: So, where did you learn to do this? *eyes the footage of Ruby and Ryou kicking the robbers ass*

Ruby: Uhm... Signal Academy..?

Ryou: I was trained by the E.F.S.F specialists.

???: They taught you to use the most dangerous weapons ever designed?

Ruby: Well, one teacher in particular.

???: I see.. *puts the plate of cookies in front of Ruby*

???: And you *turns to Ryou* where did you get that paladin? *shows Ryou's Gundam Perfectibility*

Ryou: First of all, it's a Gundam. Second of all, I'm a pilot so I was trained to handle one and third I'm not telling you where I got it.

???: i understand, I won't question you any further. *Looks at Ruby*

Ryou: Arigato.

*While this was happening, Ruby was currently stuffing her face with cookies*

???: It's just that I've only seen one other scythe wielder of that skill before, a dusty old crow.

Ruby with her face stuffed with cookies: Mmph! Das Ma Uncre!

??? Looks at her weirdly

Ruby: *wipes her face* sorry, that's my uncle Qrow! He's a teacher at Signal. I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing!

??? sips his mug while Ryou was half asleep

Ruby: Now I'm all like *does karate poses* Watcha!! Haaah!!

???: So I've noticed. *places his mug down* And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school designed to train warriors?

Ryou: *in thought* yep, definite creep.

Ruby: Well.. I want to be a huntress.

???: You want to slay monsters?

Ruby: Yeah! I only have two more years of training at Signal and then I'm going to apply to Beacon. Uh you see my sister is starting there this year and she's gonna try and become a huntress and I'm going to be a huntress to help people. My parents always taught us to help others so I thought 'Hey, I might as well make a career out of it!'. I mean the police are alright but Huntsman and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and really, gosh, you know!

???: Do you know who I am?

Ryou: Been dying to know since you appeared out of no where *sigh*

Ruby: You're Professor Ozpin, you're the headmaster of Beacon.

Ryou: Fucking finally..

Glynda glares at Ryou but doesn't faze him one bit

Ozpin: Hello.

Ruby: Nice to meet you!

Ozpin: You want to come to my school?

There was a brief pause before Ruby decided to answer

Ruby: More than anything.

Ozpin looks at Glynda and she simply replies with a "Hmmph".

Ozpin: Well, okay.

Ruby jumps with excitement plastered on her face as she exited the room.

Ozpin the looks at Ryou

Ozpin: Well, you seem foreign about this place.

Ryou: If you're travelling at light speed and a black hole suddenly pulls you in to a whole new world, you tend to be curious about this whole situation.

Ozpin: Hmm, would you like to attend Beacon as well?

Ryou: what's in it for me? I already know every aspect when it comes to combat whether it's on the ground or aerial. What could you possibly offer that would benefit me in this bizarre world?

Ozpin thinks for a moment while rubbing his temples

Ozpin: You are from a different universe am I correct? What if I told you I can find a way for you to return to your world? If you attend Beacon you would also be paid in Lien. Let's say about 100k per month? You can also learn about Remnant in the meantime you're here.

Ryou: Remnant? Is that what this planet is called?

Ozpin: Yes, it is.

Ryou: Hmm, alright you have yourself a deal Professor. Also I need a hangar for my Gundam to be stored in. And my final request is I don't have to wear uniforms. Is that alright?

Ozpin: No problem, we would have your hangar built in about a day or two.

Ryou: Alright, I'll be taking my leave now.

Ozpin: Before that, I've booked you a room in a hotel nearby so you wouldn't have to worry about where you're going to live. Might I suggest you leave your mobile suit in the forest so that people wouldn't get intimidated by the size of it.

Ryou: Sure thing goodnight to the both of you.

Ozpin: And I you Mr Denuja.

Ryou leaves as he enters the cockpit of his mobile suit and flies away.

Glynda: You can't be serious Ozpin! Letting a stranger in to the academy with no knowledge of Remnant?

Ozpin: I can assure you Glynda, he has the potential to become a powerful Huntsman. And maybe finally we could have peace in this world once again...

Yo guys it's me WamuuNox here. I would like to apologise for the very very very VERY late update of this story. I'm just very unmotivated to continue until recently. This story might get slow updates but I will continue to write this until I decided to put it on hold. In the meantime, stay safe and have a great day!

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