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*3rd Person POV*

In the middle of Glynda Goodwitch's combat class, Jaune Arc was panting while Cardin had a smug grin on his face.

Cardin: *laughs*

Jaune: *pants and wheezes* come

Jaune charges at Cardin while going for an overhead slash with his sword only for Cardin to side step and smash his mace at Jaune's back. He was sent flying. As Jaune got back up, he went for another overhead slash at Cardin only for him to get blocked by Cardin's mace handle.

Cardin: This is the part where you lose.

Jaune: Over my dead-

Jaune gets kneed in the gut by Cardin as he curls into a ball. He looked up to see Cardin with his mace ready to pummel him not before the buzzer went off and the lights power off.

Glynda: Cardin, that's enough. Students as you can see, Mr. Arc's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match.

Pyrrha Nikos looks at her team leader worryingly as Ryou was blankly staring at Cardin.

Ryou: I don't know why but I hate this kid already.

Glynda: Mr. Arc, its been weeks now, please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help you to decide when it's appropriate to attack or when it's better to move to a more.. defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, now would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself...

(Sorry for interrupting folks but I just wanna give my opinion on this "refer to your scroll during combat" thing. Imagine you're going to war and you suddenly check your smartphone to see if the battery is drained or not. Now onto the story)

Jaune looks at his scroll and it indicates that Jaune's aura was indeed in the red while his teammates are still green.

Glynda: We still have time for one more match, any volunteers?

Yang raised her hand up

Yang: I'll do it Ms, Goodwitch!

Glynda: Alright, Miss Xiao Long will be competing against-

Suddenly, Yang pointed at Ryou who was still staring at Cardin with a blank face

Yang: I want to fight him, Ms Goodwitch!

Ryou was snapped out of his thoughts before coming back to reality

Ryou: Huh-

Glynda: Very well, Yang Xiao Long vs Ryou Denuja. Will both combatants please come up to the combat arena.

Yang and Ryou came up to the combat arena. Yang had Ember Celica while Ryou had nothing on him. Or did he? (Vsauce theme starts playing)

Glynda: Mr. Denuja, aren't you going to get your weapons?

Ryou: You'll see in a minute..

Glynda: Very well, are both combatants ready?

Yang: I'm all fired up!

Ryou: As always...

Glynda: Fight!

Yang charges at Ryou at full speed while cocking her fists back to punch Ryou. Unfortunately for her, he side stepped and backflipped to avoid getting his face kicked by Yang. He landed gracefully on the other side of the arena as Yang charges at him with another punch. Ryou's eyes glowed for a moment before he summoned Psycho Stream and blocks Yang's punch with the blunt side of the blade. Yang unleashes a barrage of punches at him as he evades them at ease before he jumps above her and slices her with his blade. She barely dodged it before shooting him with her shotgun gauntlets. Ryou cuts the bullets in half, shocking everyone even Goodwitch. With a window of opportunity, he charges at Yang with a side slash and it sends her aura into the yellow zone.

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