Gilded Cage

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*3rd Person POV*

Ryou was taking out the hordes of Grimm pretty fast until a flock of bird Grimm was approaching him

Ryou: If I remember correctly, those are called Nevermores. Guess studying in the library actually payed off.

The flock of Nevermores shot their feathers at him. Using his quick thinking, he evaded the attack and shot the Beam Smart Gun towards the flock of Nevermores. They were taken down in an instant.

Ryou: Now all I need to do is return to Beacon without causing confusion to everyone.

The Unicorn skyrocketed towards the orbit and dove towards the secret built-in hangar near Beacon. The Gundam was now in Unicorn Mode since there is no threat nearby. Ryou entered the hangar and powered down the mobile suit and exit the cockpit.

Ryou: They didn't put up a fight honestly, disappointing.

Ryou grabbed the Knight piece from his pocket and walked to Beacon Hall. He was then greeted by Ruby and the gang. Ruby ran up to him and started speaking so fast that Ryou couldn't decipher a word she said


Ryou silenced her by placing his hand on her mouth. Much to his dismay, Ruby licked the palm of his hand forcing him to retract his hand off of Ruby's mouth

Ryou: Did you have to lick my hand?

Ruby nods

Ryou: Guess you do.. *sighs*. Anyway, is this the place where we are put into teams?

Yang: Indeed it is cutie~!

Ryou: Alright...

Ozpin: Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black Bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRLD (Cardinal). Lead by, Cardin Winchester.

The hall was filled with clapping from the audiences

Ozpin: Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white Rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR (Juniper). Lead by, Jaune Arc.

Thunderous of applause filled the hall once more as Nora hugged Ren with excitement. However, Jaune was stunned

Jaune: Huh? L-led by..?

Ozpin: Congratulations, young man.

Pyrrha punched Jaune's shoulder lightly but he ended up falling on the ground

Jaune: Waugh! Oof!

Laughter was heard amongst the crowd

Ozpin: Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white Knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY (Ruby.. What did you expect? A dollar?). Lead by, Ruby Rose.

Weiss looked at Ruby in disbelief while Yang hugged her sister happily

Clapping and whistling emitted from the audience

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

Ozpin: And finally, Ryou Denuja. You retrieved an... Oddly peculiar White and Blue Knight piece. Since you are the last one here, I will put you as the 5th member of Team RWBY but will be additional backup for any other Teams when needed. Looks like things are shaping up to be an.. Interesting year.

Ryou bowed with respect and walked towards Team RWBY. Ruby had a smile plastered on her face while Yang giving a toothy grin. Blake just smirked and Weiss giving a deadpan expression

Ryou: Guess I'm stuck with you four for 4 years now. Not that I mind or anything.

Blake: I was about to ask, how did you managed to get all the way back here?

Ryou: I took a safer route back to Beacon. Safe as in little to no amount of Grimm in sight.

Blake: But.. Isn't the journey from the Emerald Forest to Beacon a long one?

Yang: Yeah.. How did you get here so fast?

Ryou: I uh.. Jumped a Nevermore?

Blake: Right... We'll, let's head to our dorms.

Weiss: Sounds like a good idea.

Ruby: I'm so exhausted today, I feel like my legs could give away any moment now.

Ryou: Oh hush Ruby. We're almost here.

They entered their dorm as they begin to unpack their stuff. Ryou took out his sleeping bag and laid it on the floor

Ruby: Are you sure you want to sleep on the floor? Isn't it uncomfortable there?

Ryou: Eh, I had worse situations.

Yang: You could sleep with me yknow~~

Said Yang in a flirtatious tone

Ruby: YANG!! Don't act weird around Ryou!

Yang: I was just giving him an offer, that's all.

Ryou: It's alright guys, I'll sleep on the floor. If any of yall want to change just wake me up and ill get out of the dorm.

Weiss: At least you have manners.

Ryou: Yeah yeah whatever. Let's just go to sleep alright?

RWBY: Right, goodnight Ryou/Cutie!

All of them started to drift off to sleep but Ryou was still awake. He looked at the shattered moon before sighing

Ryou: Was I really destined to be here?

He said in a low voice so that they couldn't hear him. He didn't notice Blake's bow twitching

Blake: *thinking* What does he mean by "Destined to come here?". Who are you, Ryou Denuja?

Blake shrugged off the thought before eventually drifting to sleep. Ryou was still looking at the moon until a golden glint of light zoomed past the moon catching Ryou off guard

Ryou: *thinking* What the hell was that!? Must be seeing things. Must sleep.

Ryou falls asleep not noticing the golden light fading away before being replaced with a mobile suit with a similar structure to the Unicorn before blasting off into the orbit again.

Hey guys, just wanted to finish the second part of last chapter. Online classes suck tbh. I don't have the time to even make a chapter without being constantly emailed about some ass assignment. Anyways, I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Abayo!

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