An Unexpected Discovery

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*3rd Person POV*

As Ryou led Jaune and Ruby to the auditorium, Yang spotted them and called Ruby out

Yang: Ruby, Ryou over here! I saved you guys a spot!

Ruby spots Yang and so does Ryou. They then left Jaune but not before saying a couple of things

Ruby: Oh! Hey, I gotta go. I'll see you after the ceremony!

Ruby exclaimed as she ran towards her sister. Much to Jaune's dismay

Jaune: Hey! Wait!- Oh great... Wjere am I supposed to find another nice and quirky girl to talk to.?

Ryou pats the young Arc on the back

Ryou: Hey, I may not be a girl but we could have some serious convo between us yknow.

Jaune sighs as he walks away from Ryou

Ryou: Strange guy that Jaune fellow is..

With a puff of breath, he made his way to Yang and Ruby

Yang: Hey there Ryou! Where were you the whole time?

Ryou: Was busy talking to Jaune but he decided to ditch it.

Yang: Aww~ I could talk to you if you want~~

Yang stated in a flirty tone which made Ryou blushed a bit. Just a tiny bit

Ryou: M-maybe later yeah? Ozpin is going to give his speech soon.

Yang gave a cute pout which made him blushed even more but he quickly looked away. She then turns her attention to Ruby

Yang: So how was your first day going little sister?

Ruby glared at her for a moment

Ruby: You mean since you ditched me and I almost exploded?!

Yang: Yikes, a meltdown already?

Ruby: No, I literally almost exploded in front of the school!

Ryou: *ahem* not to mention I saved your butt there. Not to compliment that you have a nice but-

Ryou cuts himself off as he spotted Weiss Schnee approaching Ruby and Yang, fast!

Yang: Are you being sarcastic?

She asks in a joking tone

Ruby: *scoffs* I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage and then she yelled at me! And then I almost sneezed if it wasn't for Ryou over there and I felt really bad and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!

Weiss: YOU!

Ryou: *muttering* soulja boy, I tell ya

Ruby: Oh god! It's happening again! Save me Ryou!

Unfortunately, Ryou was nowhere to be seen. It's like he vanished out of thin air

Yang: *sigh* That sneaky son of a gun..

Weiss: You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!

Yang: Oh my god, you really exploded.

Ruby: It was an accident! It was an accident!

She says as Weiss shoves a manual guide in front of Ruby's face

Ruby: What's this?

Weiss: The Schnee Dust Company isn't responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product-

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