Chapter Eighteen

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POV: Dani

           "Take a look at Cole's album." Jorden says while gently grabbing my lavender one out of my hands. Through my sniffles, I nod and reach for the older leather book. Opening up the cover, I feel Jorden slide closer to me in order to look over my shoulder.

            The first page has a picture of a baby all swaddled up in pure white cloth. Underneath it reads Colten Jameson Richards, May 17th 1993. Lightly, I run my fingers over the picture of his soft baby face. Taking a second to shift my gaze to the bundle now in Jorden's arms, I smile and compare the two. "He really is going to be a spitting image of Cole." I exclaim while kissing Faolan's forehead. Jorden nods and smiles down at Faolan as he opens his eyes. "Keep looking," he instructs, gesturing to the album with a flick of his chin.

            Flipping through the next couple of pages, I see images of a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes smiling and holding baby Cole. "His mother." I conclude quietly. I have only ever seen her face one other time in the picture in history hall. However, knowing what adult Cole looked like, the resemblance between the two is surprisingly uncanny.

            "Isabelle was so kind hearted." Jorden begins as he gently rocks Faolan. "She cherished Cole; her baby she called him." A few more page turns and I begin to see Dalton and a slightly chubby, older Cole; still a baby, but no longer a new born. "He looks so happy." I observe while looking at the picture of Dalton holding Isabelle who is holding four month old Cole. Jorden nods, "I don't remember much of Dalton before he went crazy but he was a good Dad and he loved his family more than anything."

            Turning a few more pages, I come across Cole in a highchair with a birthday hat on his head. Isabelle and Mama are on either side of him and I presume Dalton was taking the photo. Cole had cake and icing smeared all over his face but he was looking at the camera with a toothless grin.

            "Mama looked so happy and young there." I admire while lightly brushing my fingers over the image of her vibrant red hair. Jorden pulls me closer to his side and kisses my forehead lightly. "You have your father's hair and eyes but you have Emma's face." He says in barely a whisper. "You look just like her Dani." I nod and allow a tear to slip down my cheek for her. Looking at this picture, and knowing how I look now, one would have guessed we were sisters.

            "Look at the next photo, it's one of my favorites." Jorden exclaims while flipping the page for me, effectively bringing me out of my head. I can't help but laugh along with him at the image of six month old Jorden pulling on one year old Cole's ear. Cole is wailing and the image was taken at the perfect time to capture the hint of smirk on young Jorden's face.

            I feel the years going by as I continue to flip through the pages. Every birthday, every Christmas, every cute moment is captured until Cole turns six. "His mom liked photography didn't she?" I ask Jorden, "that's why Cole got into it isn't it?" Jorden only nods in confirmation. "The pictures didn't end though, Nona took them; they're just not as often." He explains, still urging me to flip through the scrapbook.

            And so I do, image after image of Cole's childhood, to his teenage years to his early twenties are all present. No matter how hard I tell myself to not cry over this, the last picture makes me burst into tears. It's Cole and I, on the day I was accepted into the pack. We are both wearing white and locked in each other's arms, just gazing into each other's eyes with love on our faces as the sun sets behind us. "He never showed me this one." I blubber while trying to contain the sobs that want to rip through. Pulling me into a hug, Jorden allows me to rest my face against his chest, our baby still in his arms.

            "We have to start Faolan's." Jorden says after a while. I nod in agreement, "I need to go buy a camera." Jorden laughs but shakes his head. "You know just as well as I do that Cole's cameras are somewhere on this floor, it is just a matter of finding them." Laughing along with him I bask in the comfort he and Faolan bring to me.

            "Let's make it denim, like blue jeans." I say after a while, breaking the silent calm we had surrounded ourselves in. "Ok." Jorden responds while laying himself down on the bed pulling Faolan and I with him. I can feel my eyes begin to droop as I lay there with my head on Jorden's chest, his arm wrapped around me keeping me close to his side while Faolan lays on his chest right by my head. 

"I have you Dani." He whispers. "Both of you. You are my family and I will protect, care, and love you both with everything in me. Faolan, is my son and I will help you raise him the best that I can. We are a team now, and you can rely on me." I smile as I feel him kiss my forehead right before I allow myself to fall into the deep sleep that has been tempting me since I am surrounded by the comfort and safety of Jorden's arms.

Question of the Day: What is your favorite candy?





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