Chapter Thirty-Three

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POV: Cole

When I was a boy, I remember having no real concept of time. To me, certain situations felt like hours when in reality, they were only minutes long. For example, after my mother first died, my father locked himself up in his office. I remember waking up in the morning and padding my way down the hallway only to be met with a closed door. For the first time ever, my father had shut me out.

I was six and confused and craving his love and some kind of normalcy. Therefore, I stood outside that door, refusing to budge until I saw him. To me, this interaction felt like hours. To this day, I still don't know how long those moments actually lasted. Eventually, Jorden would wander up the stairs and put an end to my waiting game. This became my new routine for two years. All of it ended when one morning I woke up and the door was open. I knew then that he was gone and the rest is history. Grandad became Alpha and I adopted him and Nona as my parents.

Typically I don't talk about my childhood because quite honestly the only things I usually receive are sympathetic smiles and I can't handle those. So my mother died, so my father became a monster and left. So I was raised by my grandparents. So what I never saw eye to eye with my grandfather. I was happy. Many people had it worse and Dani is one of them. Did I struggle at some points? Yes. Was I ever physically hurt, or truly neglected? No. Sure there was a time when my father wouldn't bat an eyelash in my direction but I had other adults who picked up the slack and took care of my needs. For all of my childhood I had a loving best friend who always had my back and would spend his days going on adventures with me. Also, for the majority of my childhood I had a grandmother who baked me cookies and smothered me in hugs. I had a good childhood. But, I did have two years of constant waiting.

Those two years flew by, and looking back on it now, I was probably the child version of depressed. I understood that my mother was gone, but I didn't truly understand why my father wouldn't look at me. I was so confused on why he wasn't there for me and I hopelessly held on to the idea of him becoming his old self again. Back then, I was too young to understand the effects of your mate's death.

When he left, I told myself that I wouldn't waste any more time on waiting for him, or anyone for that matter. Now, all these years later, I am once again playing a waiting game.

On May 20th 2017, I died on my mate's 18th birthday. Today is exactly two years since that date making it Dani's 20th birthday, and my two year death anniversary. I want nothing more than to hold her in my arms, but unfortunately for me, my waiting game is not over and I have just under two more years to go until I can return to her. She had grown so much in the year we spent together I can only imagine how much more she has changed. At this point, I can once again only hope that things will be the same when I return.

Somehow I have found myself back in the situation I was in as a child. Except this time, I know Dani won't fail me like my father did. Dani loves me... and she knows I love her more than anything else in the world.

"Cole!" I smile from where I am sitting in the office, Dani's up. The door opens and there stands my beautiful mate with her arms crossed and a frown on her face. Even mad at me, she looks so damn cute.

"Care to explain to me why you weren't downstairs with everyone else for breakfast?" Dani and I have definitely settled into a routine since returning home from France. We wake up at 5 am and go our separate ways, me to warrior training and her to help prepare breakfast with Nona and some of the other women. At 7 sharp we all, meaning the majority of everyone who lives in the pack house, settle down in the dining hall for breakfast. We then disappear to my office to discuss the results of the scout teams before strategizing more war plans.

As much as I love Jorden, lunch time is Dani and I's time. We will stop working in the office at about noon where I will take her out to eat and an activity in the town. This changes daily as I think of them; I'll do anything to make her smile. We typically stay out for a few hours before coming home where she breaks off to help prepare dinner and I typically do paperwork for all of the Pack's finances with Jorden. With that being said... sometimes we just mess around and have fun. But mostly we are doing the not so fun part of being Alpha and Beta. All in all, Dani and I always end our night together reading from one of the many books that line my shelves.

"It was brought to my attention last night at dinner that there have been power shortages in the Pack Prison and I was trying to sort it out with the electrical company." I answer her while scooting my chair away from my desk and standing up. Dani loses her frown and she meets me halfway in the room.

"You can't skip meals Cole; even for work." She says as I wrap my arms around her; bending so I am laying my chin on the top of her head. "I know baby I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "It better not Mister." She pulls away from me to wag her finger in my face. A goofy grin over takes my features and I once again pull her close. This time however, I kiss her deeply. "I love you Daniella Richards; you are my life."   

Question of the Day: Have you met your idol? 





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