Chapter 4-1 - Retaliation Strike

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*helicopters flying*

March 31, 2017
(01010110_Location_Error, Geographical_Area_Not_Found)
Yakosaji Isle, Japan

Yellowtail 3-1: This is Yellowtail, coming up on DZ!
Yellowtail 3-2: Copy that, 3-1. Detecting triple-A signatures ahead.
Yellowtail 3-3: Steering clear.

A missile is fired from one of the Satellite Automated Missiles. The helicopters use their flares to divert the missiles away.

*missile launch*

System AI: Warning. Missile Lock. Missile Lock.

Yellowtail 3-1: Flares away.
Yellowtail 3-3: Flares out.

The missiles explode in mid-air after being affected by the countermeasures. The helicopters land away from the camp.

The squadron has been finally deployed on the ground.

Truck: Greenlight! Go, go!


Johann: Bravo, on ground.

Jin: Alpha, on ground.

Grinch: Charlie, on ground.

Johann: All squads on ground. Wave off! Men, let's move!
All (radio): Yes, sir!

All of the squad members move forward. The Charlie team, moves to a ridge to provide long-range support.

Johann (radio): Enemy camp, up ahead. Charlie team, get up on the ridge and provide cover fire. D, you're with me. Let's go.
Daniel: Got it.
Johann (radio): Bravo, Alpha, Get in the foliage, we're going to ambush them. I'm going to trigger a checkpoint alarm, get ready!

*wire snap*

Bravo and Alpha hid themselves in the plants and bushes. Charlie is observing them through their scope. The enemy corporate soldiers are moving out of the camp.

They try to check outside around the entrance, only to find nothing. One soldier hears a whistling sound.


Corporate Soldier 1: It was over there.
Corporate Soldier 2: I'll get on it.

He sees nothing, when he tries to look deeply, he gets grappled and shot in the head.

Corporate Soldier 2: What the--*muffle*
*suppressed gunshots*

The enemy is eliminated. They prepare to ambush the camp.

Johann: D, mortar marker.
Daniel: On it.

Daniel throws a mortar marker. The marker emits a blue smoke, enemies are bit confused but still aware and alarmed.

Grinch: White phosporus shells away!
*mortar fire*

Corporate Soldier 1: ....?!


Corporate Soldier 2: Mortars, scatter!
Corporate Soldier 3: Get out!
Corporate Soldier 4: It's an ambush!

Johann: Bravo, Alpha, begin the assault! D, we gotta find the jammer!
Daniel: Yes, General.

Bravo and Alpha successfully ambushed the camp. Johann and Daniel fight their way to the roof of the building.

*gunfire noises*

Grinch: Colonel Dinglasan, enemy armor heading your way!
Daniel: Copy that! Aim for the main gun turret, disable the cannon!
Grinch: But sir... The mortar's range is almost at the max limit..
Daniel: Just do it! It'll reach even the edge of its armor, so it can barely damage it! We're going for plan B!

*tank accelerating*

Johann: D, behind you!
Daniel: Damn it!

*cannon fire*

Daniel evades the main tank's cannon, but gets barely injured from the knockback from the explosion. His arm was punctured by a metal rebar.

Daniel: *cough*... S***.
Johann: D!
Daniel: Go, now! Fire the armor-piercing shell!
Grinch: Yes, sir!

*mortar fire*

The shell directly penetrated the tank's armor, and caused severe damage. The main cannon is now useless.

*explosion and breaking metal*

Johann pulled Daniel out of the rebar, as he is still alive. He uses his first aid kit, and injected adrenaline to his arm.

Johann: You alright? That wound on your arm is--
Daniel: Jo, guard up!

Daniel uses his Ballistic Shield to guard Johann from heavy fire.


Ryo (radio): Heads up, I've spotted an enemy remote operator using control rig to operate an assault drone! You need to get out, he's got you in his sights!
Daniel: *cough* Copy that, we need that rig. There's more enemy armor in the next defense point. Kenji, Jin, get over there, kill that remote operator and retrieve the rig!
Kenji (radio): We're on it.

Alpha has cut off the enemy from inflicting heavy fire on Johann and Daniel. Kenji shot the operator and retrieved the control rig.

Kenji: I got the control rig, hacking drone now...

Enter Code: *******


Grinch: Another tank!
Johann: Kenji, we could use your help now!
Kenji: Yes, sir. Drone is hacked and operational. Stand back!


*missile launch*

The drone fires a missile. It goes straight at the tank and destroyed it.


Kenji: Tank destroyed. You're clear.
Daniel: Thanks.

They head on straight for the emergency stairs, leading to the roof. The jammer device is up ahead.

Johann: We're at the fire exit staircase. Watch your fire, Charlie team. Pick off any hostiles that tries to get in the way. Alpha, continue your sweep. JGSDF is almost here.
Jin: Copy that, sir.

Charlie team is continously sniping and pinning the enemy with mortars. Some guards from the roof were shot.

Grinch: Hostiles down. Plant the charges!

Johann and Daniel reached the jammer device on time, they set C4 charges around the support hinges.

Johann: Setting charges up.


Daniel: Charges set. It's set to blow, let's get out of here.

They leave the roof via emergency staircase.


Johann: Charlie team, leave the spot now and regroup. All teams, regroup at the bridge.
Grinch: Yes, sir.


*metal creaking*
*loud crash*

The jammer device is now destroyed. They are on the way to the bridge. Japanese forces are about to reach the shore.

Japanese Soldier 1: This is Viper 3-1, Bravo team, if you can hear us, we are coming from the northwest side of the shoreline. Good job on taking out the jammer. Our air support can't deal critical damage to the enemy in there, unless you do something against those triple-As and SAMs.
Johann: Copy that, we're on it, ASAP!
Kenji: Be advised, drone is now offline! Enemy missiles from SAMs just hit it.
Johann: At this rate, we'll get cornered before we even reach the facility complex. Charlie team, where are you?
Grinch: We are almost there, we're finding a vantage point.

Japanese soldiers arrive on the shore to meet up with the Rhinestone Squad, despite small resistance. The enemy is now on overwhelming disadvantage.

Corporate Soldier 1 (radio): We need help in here! It's a ******* supersoldier squa---*static*

Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie team are now on the bridge. They are waiting for the Japanese forces.

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