Chapter 4-3 - Bunker Complex

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Barely, Johann replied on the radio telling him to come back that it is a suicidal option.

Johann (radio): D, get back here! You can't go there, that's suicide! We don't even what to do with Lennox, we still need to plan it out!
Daniel: I can't, he will escape if I turn back!
Johann (radio): He won't escape, the Japanese Naval army has surrounded the entire--- *static*

The radio signal is cutoff, a jammer from the office building is activated.

Daniel: Johann? Johann! Damn it, I won't be able to make contact for a while.

Daniel goes into the underground bunker alone.
He encountered more hostiles, and even eliminated them on an overkill.

*gunfire noises, explosions, and screaming*

Almost running dry and wounded from the fight, Daniel had no other choice but to take a weapon from his fallen enemy. A Benelli M3S, and a replacement for his customized assault rifle for another rifle from a trooper is what he takes. He takes the ammunition from his fallen enemies as well, discarding his previous primary weapon.

Everyone on the surface has succeeded clearing the entire facility complex, all of the WMDs are now disabled and moved away from the place. Johann is trying to contact Daniel, but he does not know that he is already gone underground.

Johann: Daniel, the entire complex is clear, all remaining WMDs are disabled and secure. You there? D, I said the entire complex clear, do you hear me?


Viper 3-1: Hey, I found it!
Johann: What?
Viper 3-1: There. He went in that underground road that leads to the bunker.
Johann: S***. I knew it. You better make it out of there, D.

In the underground, Daniel keeps on going, as many enemies were shot to death by him.

*gunfire noises continues*

Some of his wounds were bleeding, as he ignores and tolerates the pain. Has he become more serious? Was it because of what he had been through when he was at Nabuka?

Daniel: There's no escape! You are all trapped in here with me.

Walking towards, he hears an emitting hum noise coming from the large corridor ahead of him. It looks like a large circular hatch.


*emitting noise*

Daniel: Hm?

The large circular hatch automatically opens, revealing a large chamber of the area. There are energy reactors connected to an subject vial.

The subject vial reveals a live demon inside it. It seems it using its magic energy as a source of power to produce weapons of mass destruction that could be gravely destructive for the entire world.

Ahead of him is the observation balcony. Norton and his two soldiers are watching Daniel.

Norton (PA): You have made it this far...

Daniel: !... Is that you, Norton?!

Norton (PA): Yet how did you destroy so many demons that were summoned by these Rogue Magical Girls?
Daniel: I've already done ways that you could not even know. Thanks to those witnesses, Snow White and Ripple, we were able to bring them down like they were nothing.
Norton (PA): That's almost impossible to do, not unless you had help from them.
Daniel: I already have, from them. They wanted to stop this, and yet you aided the others that were manipulating everyone in the city.
Norton (PA): Isn't my creation of the magical WMD beautiful? After those selection exams I supported really failed, I had to find out who it was. It was you. You people wanted the truth, and yet you strive to save them, which was the impossible way since you were too late.
Daniel: Like the hell your weapons of mass destruction infused with magic are beautiful. You destroy Nabuka City, stealing the future of those lives in there. You killed 4 million people!
Norton (PA): Even if I escape or die here, a successor will come. They will make a purification for this world, then the fight of who is the strongest will last for all generations!

Daniel: Then I will destroy that successor, and erase everything. You reap what you sow, as you salted the earth so nothing good can grow. This isn't revenge what I'm doing, Norton.
Norton (PA): Then, what is it?
Daniel: I'll tell you after I make you pay. Are you ready to atone for your atrocities?
Norton (PA): ..... Hmph. Dispose of him, now!

All of the remaining corporate soldiers aim their guns at him. Daniel, burning with retribution and vengeance, is now going to make the enemy pay the price...

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