Chapter 3-2 - Old Home

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Tama: .....
*alarm beeping*

*alarm stops*
Tama's Mother: Tama, wake up. It's your first day of your new school.
Tama: *yawn* Yes.

Getting up from the bed, and after taking a shower, she eats her breakfast.
Outside her family's new home is Daniel, dressed up in a Senior High School uniform. He is graduating this year.

Tama: Good morning. Daniel, was it?
Daniel: Yes. Good morning.
Tama: Are you wearing a uniform?
Daniel: Yes, I am senior high.
Tama: Senior high? I...never knew about that.
Daniel: It's extra 2 high school years after Junior high school. From the K-12 Education System.
Tama: There's kindergarten to Grade 12 education? Here?
Daniel: Yes. Come along now, we're going to be late.

After a ride, and a short walk, she arrived at her new school. She introduced herself to her new classmates and teacher in English, despite she is having difficulty to learn Filipino language at that time.

Tama: Hello, everyone. I am Tama Inubozaki.
Everyone: Welcome, miss Tama!

She feels a little nervous, since it is her first time being enrolled here. Smiling a little, she proceeded to listen for the rest of the class.

*Bell ringing*

2:30 P. M.

Teacher: See you on our next meeting class. Bye!
Everyone: Goodbye, Teacher!

As she walked through outside, Daniel was waiting for her.

Tama: ?..... Daniel?
Daniel: It's time for your tutorial. Your tutor is waiting at the tutorial center.
Tama: Where is that?
Daniel: Near the sports gymnasium. Come with me, I know where it is.

12 minutes later
Montano District

Daniel: See that big building? That's the Montano Hall Gymnasium, and there's the tutorial center.
Tama: Okay.

Entering inside, it is air conditioned. Some of them are being tutored while the others are just playing or having conversation.

Daniel: Tama. Meet your special teacher, who will help you on your study difficulties that are dyslexic or even problematic. Sir John Garces.

John: Hello, Tama. I am John Garces, your specialized teacher for all subjects.
Tama: Hi, sir.

She shake hands with him. The two of them sit down on the chairs beside a table for their tutor session.

After an hour, Tama was able to fully learn her lessons and topics from school. The session was over, as they head on home.

He is in the computer desk, using his PC to talk to his friend via video chat.

Daniel: It has begun, hasn't it?
Johann: Yes, it has. We found out the case from our undercover unit. It was them, they were using biochemical weapons and old atomic arsenal to make Nabuka city in the present timeline uninhabitable.
Daniel: WMDs. Weapons of Mass Destruction. Any traces of it?
Johann: Yes. According to the reports of the unit, they were using a isolated complex island composed of a rehabilitation facility and a prison somewhere in Japan, that is off its geographic map. Why would those Rouge Magical Girls work with them? Did they know that the government were coming to resort to the last decisions?
Daniel: No, they would work with them in secret. Imagine they're the couriers, providing them what they need. Fav, the others, it was to use them as objective targets. To bring out who is the strongest, and the one who saved people the most. A part of their so called "Raising Project", then send them to compete with the other strongest, then become the new "Master" to oversee the next examinations.
Johann: Hmm. So they used men, women, and children as task objects, then dispose of them. Only when there's high chaos. The identity of these transformed heroines and heroes, going back to their family in a most tragic way, that generates chaos the most. Now, we finally know the cause.
Daniel: Tell me the results.

A scientist of spirituality working along with Johann tells Daniel the shocking analysis.

Scientist: It is to generate chaotic emotion, powerful enough to call the powers of the deceased. It's consuming the souls of those who died and did not move on, and use them all together as a single cataclyst. Remember the first mission?
Daniel: Yes. After we were called in, by the mission coordinator and commanding officer, we managed to find out in that Research Complex facility. The paranormal entity named: Unknown Origin. The damage they've done to Nabuka, Japan was somehow catastrophic. It tore up half of the city after the incident. Are there choices going to be made?
Johann: At the end of this time travel and correction mission, that is. We must wait while we do our mission, there is still a lot of time left.
Daniel: Then we better hope we are prepared for this. Are there any collaborator agents that were able to destroy assets of the selection exam, including those who were behind it?
Johann: Three of them managed to destroy the servers containing data related to it, and their cause. Kenji, Jin, and Grinch, they were able to neutralize their target. Once the cleanup is complete, we have to send them back to the present timeline.
Daniel: ?....Present timeline? But the Time Gate is not even finished in this previous year, we don't even have any of the components. Sending them back to the present, where they are dead already a few years ago is risky, it will overwrite past years of their lives, and the chances of that is that they would cease functioning when they are sent in the forwarded years.
Johann: Then the only way to bring them back, is to spend a long time all the way to the present date. I know that this will be the most longest path. The answer is, we have to shape our history along with them.
Daniel: Shape our history? That's the only way to overcome that time displacement distortion? That could take years.
Johann: What can we do? The scientist already says it.
Daniel: Professor, isn't there any other way we could do?
Scientist: If there was other solutions than these two options, I could have given all the details and take it gladly. Unfortunately, we only have these two. The consequences for these options you pick will be unexpected and unusual. That's why, I want you to pick one. So, what it will be? Immediate return or write their history? The balance is dependent on these, it will be unstable if we choose the wrong one.

Daniel faces a dire situation. The decisions from here a filled with the unexpected. After moment of silence, he answers it.

Daniel: We go on the long-term progressive.

Scientist: Really?
Daniel: We go on the mission path that takes long time to complete.
Scientist: Then, it's decided. We will be here in a long time.
Johann: D, what you will do? She, even the others, can't do this alone either.
Daniel: I'll bring them under our care. We'll teach them how we make treasured memories that will last in a lifetime, and also we'll help them in their studies as well. If we must fight, then we all must. Who knows when the danger gets in the way of their hopes and dreams? There are many ways to complete a mission, dependent on the path we take on.
Johann: Then, that's going to be the one that will give them the meaning of their lives. You have made the choice. Good one, bro.
Daniel: I'll be waiting for new orders. Issue them to me as soon as you can, Brigade General.
Johann: Over and out.

The video call ends.

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