Chapter 2-4 - Back Alley Brawl

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2 days later
6:30 P.M.
Tokyo Urban Renewal Project Site

A clear night greets the project site, people are taking a stroll or a conversation to each other. The Japanese SWAT are seen in the area to guard the VIP, named Hiro Yoshida.

Daniel, Kenji, are both seen in a flyover building with a bulletproof glass. They are staying alert as the VIP is being guarded to complete the discussion to control the escalating violence in Tokyo.

The Kidotai SWAT Officer, Sergeant Misawa, speaks to the surveillance recon units via radio.

Misawa: How is the VIP?
Recon Unit (radio): We're trying to keep a close eye on Mr. Yoshida, and still scanning the area for any threats.
Misawa: This is crazy.. He is going to get himself killed while the violence is escalating. Civilians and students should stay behind the bulletproof glass just as they're instructed to.

Everything seems normal, until then,
suspicious figures is seen on the roof, who are they and what do they want?

They are dressed up like street gangsters, with clothed face masks. Their leader is a Syndicate Sniper. They began to ambush everyone with their arsenal.
They draw out their assault rifles to take down the VIP. Their shots failed, only two officers took the hit.

Officer: Look out! It's an ambush!
Recon Unit: Shots fired! Shots fired! Protect the VIP, and get Mr. Yoshida out of here!

As soon as the gunfire errupted, a panic spreads in the site, putting everyone in fear.

Misawa: Damn it! It was a trap! Okay, listen up. We gotta regroup with the VIP protection squad, an armored car is on its way to pick him up. I'll go on ahead to protect the VIP.
Daniel: Yes, sir.
Kenji: Solid copy.

Outside the flyover building, some civilians are in panic.

Civilian 1: They got guns!
Civilian 2: Save yourself!

Daniel: Kenji, on the roof!

Kenji: Got him. You go!

Daniel goes in and fired at the syndicate members. They were shot down quickly.

Daniel: We gotta get back to the others!
Kenji: What about their leader? We can't let him go, he might come back to kill Mr. Yoshida in another way.
Daniel: I'll take care of him. I'll try to end the pursuit somehow..

Finally regrouped, they clear out the alley for hostiles trying to attack the VIP.

Their leader shot one of the Kidotai Officers protecting the VIP.

Misawa: Tanaka!

Daniel: Sergeant Misawa!
Misawa: Daniel, Kenji, Tanaka's down. That sniper who shot him, that was their leader in command, Yoshihara Toshifune! Mr. Yoshida is safe and secure, the paramedics are on the way here to get the wounded. You gotta stop him before he escapes. If he gets out, he could possibly come back.
Daniel: I'll get him.
Misawa: Kenji, I'll need your help. We gotta get him to the main street, the armored car is waiting for us there.
Kenji: Yes, sir.

Daniel continues to pursue Toshifune through the alley, facing and eliminating resistance along the way.

He comes across another street side alley, where Toshifune goes inside to escape.

Yoshihara: There's some cop after me! Don't let him through.

Daniel eliminated the syndicate members who try to stop his pursuit.
He comes across a ladder going into a ventilation shaft, which leads through a inner parking lot.

Yakuza 1: He's here!
Yakuza 2: Get him!

Daniel performs a diveroll shooting, precisely hitting them.

Recon Unit (radio): Keep up with Toshifune! We can't let him leave!
Daniel: I am!

Daniel runs farther, to the east side of the project site.

He finds a dead end, but there is a fence that leads to the other side. He climbs over it.

Yakuza 1: Out of the way, old man!
Old Civilian: Wha--hey! What's the big idea of pushing somebody?!

Daniel shot the Yakuza group trying to catch up with Toshifune.

Old Civilian: You kids have no manners! I hope you kick his stupidity out of here, I think he bent my shoulder.
Daniel: Damn it.

Hesistating to stop, he continues the chace.

He hears a hostage taken by Toshifune.

Student: *screams* Help me!
Yoshihara: You're coming with me, sweetheart! Don't you come any closer or this girl here will die!

Daniel comes across a locked gate, he finds the switch at the three-story building by the stairs.

The gate is unlocked, as he finally faces Toshifune and the female student held hostage by him.

Yoshihara: I'll kill her along with you! Get the hell away from me!

Toshifune throws the hostage to the fence, Daniel is concentrated to Toshifune. His reflex ability triggers, everything slows down. He pulled the trigger.

Toshifune tries to escape, but he is caught in a fatal headshot in Daniel's bullet from his heavy pistol.

Recon Unit (radio): He's down! Good work! That sniper is down for the count!

Student: I almost got killed there. Thank you.
Daniel: There's no problem with that. Get back to your family.

The female student goes away. Daniel checks Toshifune's dead body, revealing a message.

"If you're reading this, the delivery of VX gas has arrived to our hideout. It's only a few hours remaining till uprising starts. The boss will need it for sure. Meet us at the Tokyo Shrine Hotel at 11:30 P.M."

Daniel: A delivery of biochemical weapons and an uprising? They gotta hear this..

5 minutes later at the main street.

Misawa: Hm. So, they did this mission to trigger an uprising by attempting to kill Mr. Yoshida, to put everyone in fear.

He brings out the radio to call out the other team.

Misawa: Team, this is Misawa. We've located one of their hideouts containing biochemical gasses. We need a containment team and another squad.
Officer (radio): Yes, sir. We are on the way.

Misawa: Colonel, thanks for your help, you kept everyone safe from the syndicates. We'll handle it from here.
Daniel: Thank you, sir.

Daniel returns back to the mobile base.

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