Chapter 29: Struggle

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A smile stretched across my face as I buried my face in Tristian's pillow, inhaling his woodsy scent

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A smile stretched across my face as I buried my face in Tristian's pillow, inhaling his woodsy scent. My arms extended to the headboard, and my toes pointed toward the base of the bed. I still hadn't opened my eyes, wanting just a few more seconds to savor the stiffness kinking my muscles.

Tristian had worked some parts of my body last night that I hadn't used in a while. A long while.

My triceps were stiff from bracing against his wooden headboard as he pounded into me from behind. My quads were tired from riding him like my own personal stallion. My ankle had a tender spot from where he'd bitten me as he'd come.

Aches aside, this was the best I'd felt in months. Years even.

Laura advice to just go for it with Tristian had been spot on.

Last night had reminded me that sex could be fun. Tristian and I had gone at it hot and heavy the moment he'd pushed me onto his bed. His mouth had latched on to mine, never taking it away as he'd stripped me bare. My clothes were still littered all over the room.

I took one last breath of his pillow and rolled onto my back, my naked breasts covered loosely by the sheets. My nipples had never felt better than when he'd had them in his hot mouth, his tongue dragging over the hardened buds until I'd begun shaking. Just thinking about how his cock had filled me so completely had me squirming for more.

Damn, that man knew how to treat a woman's body.

The sheets were warm on my side of the bed. I slid a foot to his side, finding the cotton cold. When had he gotten up? How long had I been sleeping?

I cracked my eyes open, clutching the sheet to my chest as I sat up. The window blinds were closed, but sunshine streamed through the gaps in the wooden slats. I squinted, waiting for my eyes to adjust to the light.

Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, I dropped the sheet and let the cool air rush over my bare skin as I tiptoed to the bathroom. I did a little spin before the doorway. The floor was smooth and my bare feet skimmed across its surface like ice.

On the vanity next to the sink sat a tube of toothpaste and an unopened toothbrush. I smiled as I ripped it open and used it to brush my teeth with Tristian minty toothpaste. Smiling, I went back to the mirror with my toothbrush. When I was finished, I dropped it in the container next to his. Staying in his house was very different than staying with Laura in my house.

I walked back to Tristian's room, smiling at the rumpled bedsheets. They were definitely going to need washing. I walked over to the column of drawers inside his closet and opened the top one, searching for something to wear. I found a pair of thick, brown wool socks. I took them, along with a long-sleeved flannel, and pulled them both on.

Then I grabbed one last thing from the nightstand before going in search of my fiancé. I skimmed my hands over the cool leather sofa as I passed through the living room. With no sign of Tristian, I kept exploring.

I walked toward the kitchen only to find Tristian talking in phone, he looked tensed and there's a mask of worry on his face that scared me. When he caught the sight of me, he muttered something into the phone and turned towards me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Tessa's in hospital."

I hold Tessa in my arms, tears are flowing down her cheeks

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I hold Tessa in my arms, tears are flowing down her cheeks. She had a miscarriage and it's too much for her to handle right now. I don't know how to console her, she's been dreaming about her child from the very beginning and the thought of loosing her child is killing her. "Troy," she whispers, my whole body freezes.

Where in the world is he? He should be here with her, to hold her, to console her, to tell her that he's with her but he's not here. My gaze turns towards Laura who sitting beside Tessa, patting her head. Maggie is Tessa's doctor, she strictly instructed rest for at least two weeks.

Terry walks towards me and moves towards Tessa and holds her. He point his head towards the door in an action asking all of us to wait outside. We nod our head and walk outside the room. It's been two days but nobody was able to calm her down except Terry and Tristian. They both love her like their own sister and it hurts them to see her in so much of pain.

I find Tristian sitting on the couch in Tessa's living room. I sit beside him and wrap my arms around him, just the way he wants it. I know he doesn't need words right now, all he need is a tight hug from to know that I'm with him all the time. Just like Tessa, the whole family was waiting for her baby including me. I blink away my tears and close my eyes, breathing in Tristian's accent.

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Allison ;)

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