Chapter 12: Baby Steps

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She's worth whatever chaos she brings to the table, and you know it.
Mark Anthony


"Hey, uh, do you mind if I find a station that Ed Sheeran?" I asked Tristian because I didn't like his choice in music

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"Hey, uh, do you mind if I find a station that Ed Sheeran?" I asked Tristian because I didn't like his choice in music.

I even reached for the controls, but Tristian caught my hand and winked at me. "Nah...Driver picks the music."

I scowled and returned my hand to my lap, deciding I was totally driving the next time we went anywhere, while Tristian. spent the next ten minutes trying to educate me on why country music should be appreciated more. My pop-loving heart rejected every claim he made, even though I had to admit his enthusiasm for something he liked was pretty cute. The argument with Tessa and Stacy hurt me and I was a fool to run away from there.

I don't why it's very different when I'm with him. It's like he's pushing me. I mean in a good way. I never angry, I'm emotional but anger wasn't in my plate but when I'm with Tristian, I feel angry. I want to shout, hit him and at the same time kiss the hell out of him.

This is all within a period of one week and that's annoying the crap out of me. How can my life turn upside down within a week? This feels so unreal but I love it. Each and every moment of it.

I realized we were headed out of town and driving a beautiful back road, one that wasn't familiar to me. When he pulled into the drive of a house made of tan brick with dark brown shutters and white trim, I was instantly charmed.

"Mmm...I like this."

Tristian pulled into the garage and killed the engine before turning to me. He grinned like a kid eager to show off his collection. "Let me show you around."

He took me inside through the back where we entered a spotless mudroom and then down a hall until we came out into the kitchen.

"So this is where the grand master chef of grilled cheese sandwiches hangs his hat, huh?" I took in the stainless steel appliances and white cabinets.

"Indeed. Maybe where we'll have makeup sex," he suggests and my body instantly responds. I feel a chill down my spine. I could definitely imagine my life here with him but I didn't know whether it'll end up being reality.

Tristian looped a hand around my waist and swept me along through the morning room, a great room, dining room, foyer, music room, and library in hyper speed.

He took my hand, then leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Come on. I want to show you what I've been dying for you to see since the first time met you."

"O... Okay...Let me guess, your bedroom," I said and laughed as he rushed us toward the stairs and to the second level.

He stepped into a huge bedroom that had to be the master suite and pointed toward a window along the far wall.

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