Chapter 17: New Friend

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Spread love wherever you go.
Let no one ever come
to you without leaving happier.
Mother Teresa

"So what are you planning for today? You know since you'll only start baking in the evening and your designing will start only when Terry comes back from his office

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"So what are you planning for today? You know since you'll only start baking in the evening and your designing will start only when Terry comes back from his office. So what're you gonna do?" Tristian asks, taking a sip from his cup of coffee.

I shrug. "I don't know, maybe I'll just for a walk," I tell him and he smiles.

I never ever imagined a day where I'll sit simply without any work and take rest. Until yesterday I was running to finish my work on time but today it's very different. I have my own home where I just prepared a cup of coffee and pancakes for boyfriend. Boyfriend. Being Tristian is so new but it feels like I have been with for years.

"I have to go, Love," Tristian tells, placing the cup on the kitchen table. He stands up and presses a kiss on my forehead before he walking out. I smile brightly seeing him go. I wave my hands at him when he settles in his car. He winks and I blush.

Today morning, when I was preparing the breakfast, Tristian sat on the chair and told me all the stories of his first day. He even explained me about the surgery he's doing today, he tells that he feels confident when he explains the procedure to someone. And that someone is me today. I couldn't help but jump in joy knowing that I'm a part of his life. Waking up in the morning, pressed against him is definitely not new but it's one of the thing I love.

Terry had to go early as his board meeting is tomorrow and he has to prepare few things for it. I don't know anything about such stuff, I never entered a designing company.

Now that everyone has gone, it's time to take a walk. Maybe a small shopping. My advance for baking has already been transferred to my account so I can start buying the incredients. I still didn't decide on the cake I was baking as Terry told that the first time I can decide the cake.

I brush off my thoughts. I have to change first.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry," the girl tells, when her eyes catches the sight me on the sidewalk

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"Oh my God! I'm so sorry," the girl tells, when her eyes catches the sight me on the sidewalk. "I'm really sorry," she mutters, helping me to stand up. "You okay? I'm really sorry. I was in a hurry and I didn't notice. I swear, I didn't mean to push you like that. It's just that I came from this from..that direction and..I..I..God, I'm so sorry," she tells and a small smile tugs at the corner of my lips.

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