Chapter 4: Talking And Flirting

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Parting is such sweet sorrow,
that I shall say goodnight
till it be morrow.
William Shakespeare


"You look really pretty

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"You look really pretty. I would have definitely asked you out if I wasn't taken," Terry says leaning back on the couch. He wraps his arm my shoulder and pulls me for a slow and light hug.

"Hands off," Tristian grumbles, glaring at Terry and his arm but Terry doesn't move his arm.

"Yeah, hands off," Stacy tells him and he shakes his head but he doesn't move his hand.

I like Terry, he's very friendly and that really helped in making me feel less uncomfortable and awkward. His jokes always didn't make me laugh but it did help to an extent. Throughout the whole breakfast, I couldn't look at Troy because it hurt and I couldn't stop looking at Tristian. 

I don't have anything to describe Tristian except the fact that he looks like Troy and has blue eyes. They do look different in many ways but in one glance they looked same. I learnt from Terry that Troy and Tristian are identical while Terry is the fraternal one. Now that I did notice Terry did look slightly different from the other two. The main difference was the chin, he had a slight dent unlike the other two which made him look more mature than the others. 

Troy and Tristian looked exactly the same which explains my confusion. Different eyes and hairstyles but same hair color. Wild and black but Tristian's hair looked like a goddamn mess and I'm sure the reason is me. I remember pulling those dark and smooth hair while he ravished me. Jesus Christ! They looked same but different too. It's the smile. Tristian's smile leaned more towards playfulness something that I loved about Troy but now his smile looked more towards politeness and sweetness. 

I can't find any other difference between them and that is making me mad. Was I attracted to Tristian because he looked exactly like Troy? 

"Stacy, I love you. I don't plan to date her," Terry replied.

"But I intend to," Tristian mutters and my eyes snap towards him. His eyes meets mine and his lips slowly curve into a smile. Damn that smile. It knows how to loosen the tightens in my stomach.

I turn my head away from him and directs it to the floor. Tears tickle my eyes but I don't allow them to roll down. I blink them away. One of the brothers has already broken my heart, I'm not ready for another and definitely not on the same day.

"I'll drop you at your home," Troy says getting up from the couch. Tessa is standing beside him with a smile on her face. I smile back at her though I'm sure it looks like a forced one.

"Thank you but I can go by myself," I tell him a bit harshly and his face fills with hurt but I don't care. Not even a bit.

He deserves it.

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