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[Jerome's PoV]

I was kissing him. I was kissing Mitch who is one of my student but man, he's a good kisser and he seems to like it. I was rubbing my hands between his inner thighs to one, pleasure him and two, warm up my freezing cold hands. It was at this moment where I heard the click of the car door open and the warmth was taken away from me and out of my car. I opened my eyes to where I saw Mitch getting carried away by a big man. 

"Jerome!" He screamed. He seemed scared for his life. I just watched as he was carried into his house and the door slammed shut. Afterwards I heard screaming and yelling and what seemed like skin on skin contact of someone being hurt but I just sat there, half freezing to death in my car. It was when I heard a gunshot that I finally snapped into action. I ran out my car, slamming both doors behind me and rushing to his front door. Locked.

"Damnit." I muttered under my breath. I heard another gunshot and screaming of what seemed to be a woman. I used my shoulder to try to burst open the door and when I hit it, there was yet another gunshot fired and another scream that sounded like a small boy. Another time with hitting the door with my shoulder as my eyes started to tear up as I felt strength overcome me as I heard a 4th gunshot with a high pitched scream of what I guessed was a teenage girl. On the last hit to the door it finally bursted open with a 5th gunshot and another blood curdling scream and I saw what was the worst thing to see ever. 

There, in front of the door stood the man who carried Mitch away along with 4 bodies lying on the floor. One older woman, one who looked to be in her teens, a very young boy who looked no more than 10 and Mitch, who were all bleeding out. I went down to comfort Mitch since he still looked like he had a bit of life left in them. It was when I grabbed his hand that the man towered over me and said, "Oh. Look who came to join the party. If it isn't the little boyfriend who my boy was making out with." 

"Look, you have it mistaken. It wasn't anything like that. It was just that-"

"BULLSH*T!" The man yelled, holding the gun up towards me. I quickly stood up and put my hands in the air. "Now, back away from my family and son and everything will be alright."

"Family? Son? You have no family anymore since you killed them all. And son? Mitch doesn't deserve to be your son. So what if he's different. He's an eccelent student with excellent friends who love and care about him. He has all As in his classes especially mine where he has a 98% which is his highest class. And yet you still treat him like sh*t. Why can't you just accept the fact that he's gay. Look around you. You had a perfect family. A wife, 3 kids and so what if one may be a bit off. You have another son who you can rely on to pass the family name. Did you ever even think about that?" I asked. He looked guilty. I heard sirens from outside and police came rushing into the house. He shot one last time as I ducked down to help Mitch as soon as I heard the sirens.

"J-J-Jer-rome?" Mitch asked weakly.

"Mitch. Please don't go." I cried.

"B-But-" he started.

"And don't try to strain yourself. It'll just make it worse." I said as I looked. One bullet was shot right through his stomach and one right on his leg. I took off my workshirt jacket and used it to cover his wound on the stomach and I took off my clean white shirt and wrapped it around his leg. I didn't care if that left me without a shirt. I just wanted him to be warm and hopefully if not stop then slow down the bleeding.

"Y-You l-look s-s-sex-y." He said. I laughed through my cries. "I-I'm c-c-co-ld."

I wrapped my whole body around him, not wanting to let him go. I already know I love him so why should I let him go? I saw the blood seeping through the cloth of the clothing and saw his hazel brown caramel eyes shut closed but there was still shakey breaths.

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