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[Mitch's PoV]

I just witnessed the worst thing of my life, Lachlan and Ty beating up my fiance. When they were done, he looked so broken. He ended up coughing up blood onto the perfectly white snow and then passed out as they all carried me away back to the warehouse. They took me away from the warehouse for the day since they figured cops may come by, looking for me and them. Once we got back there, I was roughly thrown onto the surprisingly clean bed. Last I remember, it was covered with Lachlan and Ty's semen. I also noticed that my dog-tag that was put under the mattress was gone. They were here. But how did they know?

I got raped again that night but couldn't sleep when they left. I was to busy thinking about Jerome. I couldn't go anywhere and look for him since I was chained to the wall by the bed. I looked around and spotted a key laying on the ground and tried to grab it but it was just out of my reach. I sighed as I went back to the spot I was once in. 

"How am I gonna get out of this? I can't stay like this. I'm sweaty, tired, hungry, and lonely without Jerome. Plus the fans, what are they thinking? I haven't posted a video in two days. They must be worried sick about me, and/or I'm gonna see a lot of hate comments on my videos whenever I get out of this." I mumbled to myself.

"Be quiet in there!" I heard my dad shout. I huddled back towards the wall and kept thinking about what to do. Then, I thought of something. Maybe I can't reach it with my hands but maybe my mouth or head. I quietly got up onto the knees and bent over the mattress to reach for the keys. My neck wasn't long enough for my mouth to reach it but by using my forehead, I was able to bring them closer to the point where I could grab it with my mouth and then bring it back against the wall. 

I grabbed the keys from my mouth with my right hand and reached over to get it into the lock and I moved it around in there until I heard a click sound and the chain fell off my wrist and onto the mattress. I did that to my other wrist and hid the key in my pocket. I carefully and slowly got up and peered around to see that the others were sleeping and took this chance to move and get out and away from the warehouse. It was slowing heavily outside and I was running away. I had no idea which way my house was from here but I kept going the way I had gone, with the snow blowing at my back. 

I had been walking for about 30 minutes until the snow and cold started to get to me and I felt my legs giving out. I saw a light in the distance and started running. There was a lump in the snow and I stopped right by it. From right beside it, there was blood. Must be a dead animal but I wanted to make sure it was.

As I brushed away the snow, it looked to not be a animal but a person and that made me dig quicker. When I got to one end of the snow, I uncovered a face and I couldn't believe who it was. It was Jerome. His face and hands were blue and there was blood everywhere. I picked him up from the snow and hugged him close to me. I couldn't let him or myself stand out here longer. I picked him up bridal style and struggled to carry him towards the light but I got ther to see there was a hotel and in the parking lot was Jerome's car. I ran to it but it was locked. 

"Damnit." I muttered under my breath. I sat him down beside it and hugged him to keep him warm plus I burried his face into my chest and I held his hands to try to unfrost them.

I knew that it had been working when he stirred a bit and muttered, "Mi-itch."

"Jerome. I'm here biggums." I said. He lifted up his head and looked at me. His face was still slightly blue but it was better than before. 

"Mit-tc-h." He mumbled again. He looked as though he would cry since I guess he thought it was a dream but I made he knew it wasn't and kissed him. He reacted to it and kissed back. Once we pulled apart, he asked me some things.

"M-Mitch, wh-why are yo-ou o-out h-here?" He asked.

"The car was locked and I didn't think that you got a hotel room." I replied. He tried to stand up but fell right back down.

"Mitch, I-I'm in no-o sh-shape t-to act-ually m-move or walk bu-but let's ge-et in-inside." He said. I nodded and picked him up and carried him inside. No one was at the receptionist desk and I huffed. "I-In my r-right, back pock-et th-there's a ro-om key t-to room 4-16." 

I put him down and searched his pocket to find a room key and carried him into the elevator and pressed the fourth floor button. Once I got to the room, I saw that it was one kind sized bed and plopped him down on it and tucked him under the covers up to his chin. He snuggled into the blankets and seemed to warm up fairly quickly but I was worried about his health as well as mine. All I've eaten was some extra fried that Raphel and his colleages didn't eat and horrible tasting semen from Lachlan and Ty but at the time, it was all I could get. I wish I could get Jerome's though. His was sweet and not salty unlike Lachlan and Ty's. 

"Mitch. Come cuddle." He said. I guess food could be a thing to worry about in the morning. Right now, I needed some good sleep. I fell asleep once again in Jerome's arms and I couldn't be happier than right now.

Well that's it for this sweet chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did, make sure to like it and comment below with something, ANYTHING!! But also, make sure to follow me if you're new and help me work towards my goal of 100 followers by the end of the year. There's only what? 3 weeks left? I know we can do it. I love you all long time, stay safe! BYE!! :D

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