The Big Day

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[Mitch's PoV]

It was finally time. Time for my and Jerome's big day. It was June 26, 2015 and I was standing outside. Jerome was inside, probably socializing with family and friends. My family had never met Jerome in real life so this was definitely something since we were coming together. I was super nervous and sweating a little bit as well. Rob noticed this and came over to me.

"Dude, calm down. Take a deep breath and relax. I know it may be big for you since you're only 20 and all but trust us, you two were made for each other and this is good. I mean, you imagine how nervous both Preston and I were last month when we got married. Don't worry, everything will go fine." He said and hugged me. I accepted the friendly gesture as Preston and Mat both came back towards us.

"Ok, everyone is ready and seated, we ready to go?" Preston asked.

"I think so." I said and smiled. Preston and Rob stood in front of Mat and I.

"Hey Mitch, can I say something?" Mat asked.

"Sure, anything. What is it?" I asked in return.

"Look, I know this isn't the thing you want to hear on your wedding day but Mitch, I still love you. I know you don't love me back in that way and I understand. When I first found out I was a bit mad and jealous and just all out confused after that. But after seeing you and Jerome together, I knew it that it was for the better of you and me to move on and so I did. It's been hard trying to find someone else but I did. His name is Vikk and he's a really nice guy from England. After this, I'm going to go visit him at his house and everything and hope we can take it somewhere." He said.

"That's great, that's awesome Mat. I'm so happy for you. Send me a pic sometime ok? Come on, let's go." I said. Mat and I locked arms and we stood at the front of the isle, at the front of the room. We started walking and Mat told me three times to slow down. I was extremely nervous and didn't know what to expect. I saw the other members of my family in the rows of people as well as Jerome's family and old friends from Canada and school as well. I smiled even more as I looked towards the front at Jerome. He was especially more amazing looking now than ever. 

I got to the front and unhooked my arm with Mat's and Jerome grabbed my hands and holds my hands. His were slightly clammy but I was sure mine were as well. We stared into each other's eyes at the preacher started the ceremony.

"Thank you, you may now sit. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together these two males. Jerome Robert Aceti, and Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes. If there is anyone who is against this, speak now or forever hold your peace." He started. Everyone stayed quiet and he continued. "These two men, have been through all the good and bad times and have finally decided to join together in marriage. They have prepared their own vows and will now recite them starting with Jerome."

"Mitch," Jerome started. "Ever since I first layed my eyes on you, I knew there was something special. When your dad attempted to kill you and I first saw you bleeding out, I almost wanted to kill myself but I kept my cool and saved you instead. I knew from that day that I would devote my life to you to keep you safe and sound. Although it may not have gone that way almost 8 months ago, I will still keep that promise. For crying out loud I proposed to you three times just so you knew that I loved you with all my heart. I love you my Benj." He said and smiled.

"And now you Mitchell." He said. I nodded and grasped his hands tighter.

"Jerome, honestly, I love oyu more than I ever loved anyone. You healed my scars that were left behind from my dad and my own town in Canada. No one but you could ever possibly do that. You went out of your way to keep me safe and I don't believe any guy much less any girl would ever do that for me. You've helped me be who I am today and helped me meet many great people through Youtube like Sky and Jason. I also met the famous HackSource who I always loved and loved to watch his videos and then, I found out that I was living with him and life was mostly uphill from there. From the time of meeting at the coffee shop, to our first kiss, to a near death experience, to proposal then another near death experience and more proposals, we've finally made and I couldn't be happier than for it to be with you my bacca and biggums." I said. Jerome smiled and oh how I wanted to kiss him right then and there but I knew I couldn't and there was still one last thing to do.

"Thank you. Now, Jerome Robert Aceti, do you take Mitchell to be your lawfully wedded husband? In good and bad times, in sickness or in health, while living or dead, will you accept this ring to bind you two together for all eternity?"

"I do." Jerome said. I slipped the ring onto his finger as we waited.

"And Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes, do you take Jerome to be your lawfully wedded husband? In good and bad times, in sickness or in health, while living or dead, will you accept this ring to bind you two together for all eternity?" He asked me. There were only two words to say at this point. 

"I do." I said and smiled. Jerome slipped the ring onto my finger and we stood there together, waiting for the final words.

"I now pronounce you two husband and husband, you may kiss the groom." He said and took a step back. Jerome kissed softly and passionately. Everyone in the room started to cheer as this action was taking place. Jerome and I walked off and into a limo where we were driven to a place that was serving the food and everyone followed us there. During the wait for food, people had their own assigned tables. All of Jerome's family was with each other and the same for my family. Preston, Rob, Mat and my other 2 friends from school all sat at our table and we all socialized with each other and had a good time.

After eating though, Mat was able to run to his car and get his laptop, connect with the wi-fi in the restaurant and pull up Skype as well as his little guy friend, Vikk. Mat spent quite a while on there with his headphones in but he was smiling and to see him smile made me smile. We shared our first dance and afterwards, things got raving. I wasn't old enough to drink but Jerome got me some drinks anyway since we had a limo to take us home and we didn't care. 

The party went on all night, well, until they kicked us out around 11pm and once we got home, we consolidated our marriage and fell asleep in each other's arms. I was happy, Jerome was happy, Rob and Preston were happy, Mat was happy and my dad was still in jail for another 14 and a half years since they reset his serving term. 

And that's it for the entire story!! In only two short weeks, I finish this story with a happy ending but until the sequel I will say thank you all for staying and over 800 reads on this story in that time because it really means a lot. I'm probably gonna wait until after the Merome music video is posted over the weekend to post the first chapter of the sequel but when I do, I will let you all know. Until then and until next time, this is bikergal12 and I will see you all later! BYE!! :D

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