chapter 25❤

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EuGwens POV


Waiting for the next day too come just too see Marion has been the longest night ever that's why after tossing and turning i finally slept off and when i woke up this morning i couldn't stop all the big smile spreading across my face.

Its the earliest I've ever woken up to go to school, talk about when your excited to see you crush whom just confessed his feelings to you, you will absolutely be day dreaming of whats to happen next yeah, specifically when it looks like a dream huh?

When i got ready earlier than the usual time i did everything before aunt Emily comes yelling like she always does, talk about when nothing worries you for a day ,no one who sees my face who wouldn't know about the excitement, i already feel my cheeks getting warm, oh my Gosh ....i must be crazy i think .

"Gwen!!!" jess pulled me over before i could react as she caged me over the sidewalk locker.

"jezz Jess!" i exclaimed wide eyes .

"you ain't fuckin leaving no details i swear Gwen , you will have to tell me where he took you last night and all that happened after" she says excited and i nervously looked around as students were staring at us .

"jess we'll talk on break" i assure her with a big smile .

"oh why not now Gwen, your smile alone isn't helping matters " she whines .

"i promise on break "i say and immediately bell went off and everyone had to rush to their classes .

I put my books down after i and jess walked into the class and the moment i sat down , my eyes caught Andrew and Marion walk into the class, our eyes met and he winked at me ,before walking pass me to go sit my heart raced as it skipped about 3 beats.

Holy jezz Marion winked me .

Why is he looking so handsome today?I nervously,placed my hand over my beating chest and bit my lower lip smiling so hard, oh my gosh, this feelings is such a wired kind of feeling, my eyes went on its own accord and glanced over at his direction , he was talking to Andrew but i guess he sensed my gaze on him and he turned towards me only for our eyes to meet.

Shit! He caught me staring like a hawk .

His lips lift up into a smirk as he stares back at me and my face warm up immediately as i turned forward only to catch Jess with big wide eyes staring at me, guess she saw me and Marion's glances i blushed more and looked away from her , i know she's so eager to hear the details and i cant even wait to be alone with Marion again .

Maybe he might even kiss me like he did yesterday, oh my gosh Gwen control your self .

Now my cheeks actually hurts.

Sooner the class got busy for the day .


"like Gwen i saw those looks you guys were giving each other all through the periods my gosh its so intense " Jess says as we head to sit at our table , she was having sauce spag while i had fries and ketchup.

"now spill , i've waited too long, him pulling you out of that party means shits went down "she says .

"you won't believe it Jess , Marion told me he likes me "i say happily her eyes widen in shock.

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