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TW/WARNING: Lots of homophobic terms/slang used - mentions of suicide - drug use - sexual assault - etc... 

"You three boys, have been terrorizing the students of this school for too long. You need to be taught a lesson." The head of Bangkok college said as he paced back and forth in front of the three moons a.k.a the three biggest bullies of the school, Pha - Ming - Forth. The three stood there with their heads held high - until their parents and an unknown man walked in. Then they dropped their cocky attitudes and hung their heads low. 

"Phana. We expected you to behave. You're the son of the political-hierarchy, show some class for once," Phana's mother was quiet yet stern with her son. 

"Mingkwan... At least you aren't like your brother..." Ming's father was just disappointed. 

"Forth. Maybe you shouldn't be promoted to hazer next year. You don't deserve it." Forth's father said and walked up to his son - ripping the gear off the younger's wrist. 

The three boys kept their heads down. Not daring to say a word, or even breathe loudly. 

"You three are going to spend the next three months at Bangkok high school with three boys who will change the way you act. Hopefully, they'll talk some sense into you three." The college head said. 

"Who are they?" Phana's mother asked interested in the Head's plan. 

"the 3-Stars-LGBT Club. Wayo, Beam, and Kit," The Head replied. 

Forth and Phana immediately looked up and started to protest - all but Ming. He kept his head down and stayed silent. 

"Mingkwan. you're quiet. what's up?" Ming's father asked. His son is never quiet so he's a bit worried. 

"It's nothing. I just don't see the need to fight it... we're gonna be stuck with it anyway, you guys won't listen to us." Ming snapped and stepped behind Pha when his father came closer - most likely to slap him. 

Ming doesn't have the best home life. His parents and siblings are extremely abusive. No one knows this - this is the first time his father has tried something in public. Ming was terrified of people finding out about this.  He only feels safe with Pha and Forth - and his (secret) boyfriend, Kit. The same Kit who he'll be stuck with for the three months as a punishment. It will be a punishment for Ming - he's gotta hide his relationship from Pha and Forth even more than he already has... Ming isn't homophobic - he just bullies people (never any LGBT identifying people though). 

Everyone just watched Ming and his father. Not sure what was happening - but when Ming hid behind Pha - everyone could sense that there was something wrong. Pha and Forth's parents rushed the three boys out while the Head talked with Ming's dad. 

"Ming. What was that?" Forth asked and kneeled beside Ming who sat against the wall with his head in his hands just trying to stop a panic attack from coming out. 

"Ming. Are you ok?" Pha asked and sat next to him.

Ming just shook his head and tried to grab his phone from his pocket.

"Call someone?" Forth asked. Ming nodded and held up the number three. 

"Thrid contact?" Pha asked. Ming nodded. 

Ming was in full-on panic mode and just needed Kit to be here. At this point, he didn't care if Forth and Pha found out. He just needed Kit. 

Lucky for Ming - Kit (and Yo/Beam) had just walked into the hall where they were. He saw Ming and immediately knew something was wrong. He pushed Forth and Pha away and hugged Ming tightly. 

"Who are they?" Forth asked looking at a confused Beam and Yo. 

"These are the boys that you're staying with for the next three months... guessing they know each other..." Pha's mother said. 

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