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TW/WARNING: Lots of homophobic terms/slang used - mentions of suicide - drug use - sexual assault - etc... 

"Ming, what happened?" Kit whispered and sat on Ming's lap hugging him. Kit's always been the only one who can stop Ming's panic attacks - without drugs.

"Father... Almost... Hit..." Ming's breathing was still ragged. But he was starting to feel better.

"Do they know?" Kit asked and looked over at Forth and Pha.

"No one... You..." Ming couldn't form sentences.

"I'm the only one?" Kit asked. Ming nodded and hugged the younger...

* 2 hours later *

"As I said earlier... You three will be staying with the 3Stars-LGBT Club for the next three months. This'll teach you to treat everyone with respect no matter who they are. Treat everyone kindly. And most importantly. Get you a good influence. Phana, you'll be with Wayo. Forth, you'll be with Beam. And Ming with Kit. You three (moons) will have no contact with each other, aside from on Wednesdays and Fridays. You will give your phones and all that to the boy you'll be living with. You'll get them back on Saturdays for roughly 3 hours - then you must return them. Understand?" The head of the high school spoke this time. The three moons nodded.

"Stars, you three sure you're up for this?" The head of the college asked.

"If we weren't we wouldn't be here sir." Beam said it as formally as he could. Yo nudged his side laughing.

"Wayo." The head of HS gave Yo a glare.

"Sorry." Yo looked down at the floor and didn't speak at all until the 6 were dismissed to leave.

Wayo, Beam, and Kit led the three older boys out to their cars and waited for all of the adults/authority people to leave before they talked to the boys.

"We hate this just as much as you do. So let's make some things clear. You're all homophobic assholes. We're all cute gay twinks. And I think you're hella hot---" Beam said (pointed to Forth) before Kit covered his mouth.

"Sorry. He's horny ignore him - anygay... I'm Kit. This is Wayo, and that bastard is Beam. Yes, we're all LGBT in some way, we're all cis-men. We will be taking your phones and all that, but we're not gonna listen to the Wednesday/Friday rule. So be happy about that." Kit said and then back-handed Beam because he licked his hand.

"You bitch!" Kit snapped and punched Beam's arm. Beam just laughed and Wayo just rolled his eyes and coughed to get everyone's attention.

"I'm Wayo... I'm 17... And you guys scare me... Be nice please..." Wayo was terrified but introduced himself.

"Do we have to say ages?" Kit whined.

"Yes, you old hag. I'm Beam. I'm 18," Beam introduced himself and dodged Kit's slap.

"Again. I'm Kit, or Kitty, I'll answer to either. I'm 19 and I'm taken. NONE OF YOU better make any attempts at flirting with me. I'll fight you." Kit said and winked at Ming when everyone else was distracted watching Wayo try and unlock his car door.

"Yo. Those are my keys..." Beam said and laughed at the younger.

Pha, Ming, and Forth... Were bored and pissed off, to say the least.

"Introduce yourselves so we can leave and get some food. Wayo's got a curfew we can't break." Kit said being the mom he is. He grabbed Wayo's keys and handed them to the younger. 

"Why are kids bossing us around?" Forth asked and rolled his eyes.

"KID. Beam and I are adults. Wayo's a kid." Kit said.

"Anyway..." Ming interrupted.

"I'm Ming, I'm 22. And to clarify what happened earlier, Kit and I grew up together - don't get anything twisted," Ming said, mainly to Forth and Pha. 

"It's fine man, Phana. 21." Pha said and watched Yo struggle to pick his bag up to put in the car. 

"Forth. 20." Forth didn't even let Beam come close to his bag - he grabbed it and tossed it into the back of Beam's G-Wagon. 

"Got money?" Forth was impressed with Beam's car. 

"Of course I do I don't work at Te---" Beam was cut off.

"Parents died and left him some money," Kit cut in again. 

"WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THIS?! MY PARENTS ARE ALIVE YOU BITCH" Beam was pissed Kit keeps interrupting him. 

"Just start driving, we'll meet you there," Kit said and started walking to his car - leaving Ming to hurry and follow him. 

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