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TW/WARNING: Lots of homophobic terms/slang used - mentions of suicide - drug use - sexual assault - etc...

"Kit? Can we talk?" Beam asked and knocked on the door - Ming ran and jumped on the couch, acting asleep. Kit just shook his head and opened the door.

"What's up?" Kit asked and walked to Beam's room with him. Ming just sighed and played on his phone till Kit came back...

"Yo went to the club, he's not answering his phone either... I'm worried. Jin won't tell me anything either." Beam was pissed off but more worried than anything. Kit just sighed.

"That brat... Get Forth and Pha, we gotta go down to 'Tea' and get him..." Kit was pissed and walked back into his room to get dressed and tell Ming.

"P'Forth. You awake?" Beam asked and shook Forth awake.

"What's up?" Forth asked thinking Beam was Pha.

"We've gotta go save Yo... I know you don't care about 'fags like us'. But this is serious - he could be in serious trouble..." Beam was rambling and freaking out while trying to tie his shoes and put a hoodie on at the same time.

Forth got up and came up behind Beam, helping him with his hoodie. Beam blushed but was hidden. Forth saw it anyway and smirked.

"Where's the kid?" Forth asked and tied his shoes.

"A gay strip club called Tea. Ran by a friend of ours, we've got two hours to find him before he - and the club owner - gets arrested." Beam spiraled again. Forth put an arm around his waist and got close to Beam's face.

"Calm down baby boy." Forth whispered and walked away from Beam when he heard walking outside the door.

"Arrested?" Forth asked and looked for his jacket.

"The new laws. Do you just not pay attention?" Beam was pissed off - mainly at Yo but Forth was making it worse.

"He doesn't. So we need need to find him by 1 am?" Ming asked and walked in with Kit and Pha. Beam nodded.

"1 am. The club's just outside of town. 20 minutes - Kit, you Pha and Ming go the short cut - see if you can find him walking or with Jin somewhere. Forth and I will go the long way - that's a better place for him to be this close to 1." Beam said and everyone nodded before leaving to find the small 17 year old....

To Be continued.

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