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TW/WARNING: Lots of homophobic terms/slang used - mentions of suicide - drug use - sexual assault - etc...

"1 am. The club's just outside of town. 20 minutes - Kit, you Pha and Ming go the short cut - see if you can find him walking or with Jin somewhere. Forth and I will go the long way - that's a better place for him to be this close to 1." Beam said and everyone nodded before leaving to find the small 17 year old....

Everyone rushed out to the Star's cars and started the long-ish drive to the club.

"Why is he there?" Forth asked confused on why a 17 year old was there.

"He just wants to help with our money problem, he's too young for normal jobs, so he's trying to work at the club with me..." Beam said and parked on the side of the road, he saw two people walking and was trying to get a closer look.

"Is that him? Seems too big..." Forth mumbled. He may not like them, or being here, but he might as well help anyway.

"It's Jungkook and Taehyung... They'd know where Yo is," Beam said and got out to talk to them.

"Hey, have you guys seen Wayo?" Beam asked (in Korean) the older boys.

"Yeah, he's dancing with Hobi-hyung tonight, he's amazing. Made $500 in 20 minutes," Taehyung said and Beam's jaw dropped.

"By stripping? Or just dancing?" Beam asked.

"Just by walking around helping Yoongi with drinks," Jungkook said and Beam was shocked.

"Thanks guys, see you sunday!" Beam yelled and got back in the car rushing to the club.

"He's there?" Forth asked.

"He's there, he's about to get on stage with our main dancer. Yo's already made $500 just by serving drinks... I'm impressed." Beam said.

- 20 minutes later -

"Do you work here?" Forth asked as they walked into the club.

"Yeah, I'm the 2nd main dancer. But that's not important. We need to find Yo." Beam said and dragged Forth backstage.

"Yo! We gotta go babe," Beam said as he watched the youngest change into a hoodie and sweatpants and taking the make up off.

Yo looked like a deer-in-the-headlights when he saw Beam; but nodded sadly and hurried up. Beam just half-smiled and went to talk to Namjoon and Jin about Yo being here.

Forth awkwardly waited with Yo - Beam told him to watch Yo and make sure nothing bad happened to him.

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't care about us?" Yo asked as he folded his dance clothes and organized the small bag he brought with him.

"Beam brought me," Forth said.

"No shit. You could've stayed home with the others. Why are you here?" Yo asked again.

"We ALL came looking for you. They really care about you. You gave Beam a panic attack and Kit just about cried thinking something terrible happened to you. Answer your god-damn phone when they call," Forth said and walked towards the door to check if Beam was coming back or not. Yo was taken back by that...

"Even Ming and P'Pha?" Yo asked. He only calls Pha "P'" - Forth thought that was cute... He'd never admit that out loud though.

"Yeah, they're all worried." Forth repeated.

"Were you worried?" Yo asked.

"I could care less. But you're just a kid, I have to somewhat care for you," Forth said.

Yo smiled and run up to Forth and hugged his arm.

"Tough boy has a soft side for me," Yo smiled and Forth had to hold every muscle in his face to keep his smile away. Yo just has this effect on people - you just CAN'T hate the kid. It's impossible.

Beam walked back in and laughed at Yo hugging Forth.

"Let's go." Beam said and grabbed Yo's hand dragging him out - like a mom to her kid at a toy store....

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