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TW/WARNING: Lots of homophobic terms/slang used - mentions of suicide - drug use - sexual assault - etc...

"Have you guys seen Kit?" Ming asked when he found Forth and Beam in the crowd. Yo's friends invited them to a bar - it's only been two hours and Ming's lost Kit. PhaYo are in the VIP area talking with Yo's friends. Forth and Beam are sitting at a both - Beam's asleep on Forth's shoulder.

"I haven't seen him, probably with Yo?" Forth asked.

"Already checked. He's not there... There he is," Ming said watching Kit come out from the bathroom - he didn't look too good... Looked like he was crying.

Ming rushed over and hugged Kit. Kit flinched - but then realised it was Ming and hugged back.

"Can we leave?" Kit mumbled.

"What happened?" Ming asked and made Kit look up at him.

Before he could answer someone grabbed Kit's ass as they walked by. They walked away too quickly so Ming couldn't go after him.

"Babe..." Ming hugged Kit tighter and held him as he cried.

He has an idea he knows exactly what happened - he's NOT happy about it. Pha and Forth immediately followed the guy out of the bar once they saw what he did to Kit. Kit just sobbed into Ming's chest - Yo ran up and woke Beam up before they all walked out to the parking lot - Beam calling the cops. Pha and Forth were 'talking' to the guy - once he saw Kit, he smirked and winked, Kit just held onto Ming tighter - Forth and Pha landed punches on the jerk until the cops arrived...

"Why are you arresting them?! The man who raped my fiance is running away!" Ming said as they handcuffed Pha and Forth as the real suspect made a run for it. The cop just looked at the man running and called for backup.

"You can't just beat up someone for no reason," The cop replied.

"They were protecting their friend," Yo said and Beam tried to get the cop to release them. He and Yo both ended up arrested as well. Kit and Ming just stood there in shock. Then she (cop) came up, ripped Kit away from Ming, and handcuffed Ming as well for 'verbal assault.' Ming had heard of crooked and shady cops before, but never ones this bad. Kit was full-on sobbing - having a panic attack at this point - and Ming couldn't do anything to help. Him, Yo, Pha, Forth, and Beam were sitting on the curb waiting for back up - Kit was sitting across from them - against the bar - sobbing his heart out. He just wanted Ming and their friends. Was that too much to ask?

+ 3 hours later +

Six different cops arrived on the scene an hour ago to take statements and the story of what happened from each of the boys, as well as an ambulance for Kit. Kit was taken to the hospital while the other five were questioned.

"Release him. I don't know why you even arrested him. He was trying to protect someone he cares about." Pha's cop said. The other four agreed as well.

"Where did you say the suspect ran to?" Yo's cop asked the five boys.

"He ran towards the houses, Pha and Forth saw his face," Yo said and the two oldest nodded.

They gave a description of the man while Ming asked if he was able to go to see Kit.

"You can go, but you'll have to ride with me, is that alright?" The nicer of all the cops said. Ming nodded.

"Whatever gets me to him faster, I don't mind," Ming said and the cop nodded.

"You're all free to leave as well, stay safe, we'll call you as soon as we catch the suspect," Another cop said - the four immediately ran to their car and drove to the hospital - following Ming and the cop.

+ at the hospital +

Kit is alright, just shaken up, but ok. Ming hasn't left his side since he got here an hour ago. The doctors are just running a few tests to make sure nothing is seriously wrong.

"Are you aware that you're pregnant?" The doctor asked as he was reading the results of all the testing they did.

"I... I'm what?" Kit was confused.

"He... we're... what?" Ming was confused too.

"That's like... a one in eight thousand chance... wow..." Pha was fascinated. He remembered reading about men who could get pregnant. It's so rare that there have only been a thousand cases reported in the world. Kit's lucky - or unlucky - they don't know yet...

"Holy shit..." Everyone was shocked.

"Baby MingKit is gonna be super fucking cute," Forth said and Beam agreed.

"Pride has been eventful... can't wait to go home tomorrow." Beam said.  

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