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TW/WARNING: Lots of homophobic terms/slang used - mentions of suicide - drug use - sexual assault - etc...

* 3 days later *

"It's only been three days... And one of us has already been hurt. Fuck." Beam said and glared into the living room where Pha, Ming, and Forth were playing video games. Kit, Beam, and Yo were chilling in the kitchen - working on homework.

"At least my nose isn't broken..." Kit said and got up to sharpen his pencil.

"It's half broken babe," Beam said and checked his phone when it vibrated. He screamed and dropped his phone.

"What's wrong?" Yo asked as grabbed the phone.

"EW WHAT THE FUCK!?" Yo had the same reaction as Beam. Kit picked the phone up - cringed, and then went to ask the Moons a question.

"I have a question. Why do men send unsolicited dick picks? Why do you guys send them without permission?" Kit asked. It's a genuine question he wanted answered.

"Depends on who sent it and how you know them. Who sent it?" Pha asked not taking his eyes off the video game.

"Some guy named 'Lam,' Beam doesn't know him." Kit said and handed the phone to Forth who asked for it.

He started typing - pretty quickly and then handed the phone back, picked his controller up and continued the game.

"That's Forth's brother." Ming said.

"TELL HIM HIS DICK IS TOO SMALL TO BE A DICK!" Beam yelled while Yo started laughing.

"BEAM I WILL SLAP YOU!" Kit said and walked back into the kitchen.

"Those two are violent... I like it," Forth commented - Ming agreed.

"Yo's quiet, I like that," Pha mumbled. Forth and Ming agreed to that too.

The Moons continued their game until around 2pm when Yo whined and said he wanted to do something.

"We're broke Yo, we can't do much." Kit said as the Stars walked out side.

"Did we use all your money P'?" Yo asked Beam since he's the one with a job.

"Yes and no, you guys spent half of it on food - I used the other half on my car... So we're broke until I can up my hours at the club," Beam said. The three were sitting by the pool - the Moons stood at the back door eavesdropping on their conversation - they were curious and bored.

"Club?" Ming questioned it.

"Would make sense," Forth mumbled.

"Am I too young to work there too?" Yo asked.

"Yo, I know you want to help. But working at a club... That's way too dangerous, plus you're under 18 - you could only work an hour before you'd have to be home..." Kit tried to keep Yo away from that idea.

"But it looks fun - Beamie gets to do make up and wear cute clothes... And get PAID for it... I wanna do that too," Yo pouted.

"The Kims own the club... Namjoon doesn't like you," Beam said.

"Yeah, but Jin loves me, he's always ranting in the group chat about needing more dancers. I can dance, I'm small and cute, he'll even get me a fake-ID..." Yo said.

"Wayo. You can't work at the club." Kit made the final comment in that discussion - the Moons ran back to the couch and pretended to be talking about girls they liked. Ming talked about Kit - but changed his pronouns to female. (Kit is aware that Ming's talking about him to the others)

"Why haven't we met her yet? You've been dating for like... Ever." Pha asked. Ming just shrugged.

"The timing just isn't right, she's busy - we're stuck here for awhile, you'll meet her soon." Ming said and ForthPha dropped the subject.

"Kit, have you met his girlfriend?" Pha asked out of curiosity - since MingKit are 'best friends'.

"Yeah, she's amazing, super cute," Kit played along with Ming and he mouthed to Kit I'll explain later'. Kit understood the situation and just played along.

* that night *

"So... What's this 'girlfriend' like?" Kit joked with Ming as they were getting ready for bed. Ming was technically supposed to sleep on the couch in his room - but their just gonna share the bed and hope their friends don't walk in on them.

"He's extremely beautiful, kind, a bit abusive... OH! he acts like a kitty and it's the cutest thing in the entire universe," Ming said and Kit blushed and ran away from Ming when he tried to hug him.

"I lo---"

"Kit? Can we talk?" Beam asked and knocked on the door - Ming ran and jumped on the couch, acting asleep. Kit just shook his head and opened the door.

"What's up?" Kit asked and walked to Beam's room with him. Ming just sighed and played on his phone till Kit came back...

AN: this book is pretty MingKit centered at first - next ch. will be ForthBeam.

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