chapter 4

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Amala's Pov

"Come on billie give me back my phone!" i yell to her

"billie give me back my phone" she says with a sarcastic little voice "you aren't getting this back until you go get me a burrito from the lido deck"

"Why can't you get it yourself !!" i say

"because i am lazy as shit. you live with me, haven't you noticed?"

"fine!! only because we ran out of whiskey and i want to get drunk today" i say while grabbing my lanyard with my key and my student iD

"thank youuuuuu" she says while smiling at me

i flip her off and walk out of the door

i walk to the bar and pay for a bottle of whiskey with a alcohol percentage of 66%. i then go up to the lido deck and get billie 3 burritos.

i make it back to our suite

i walk over to billie and plop on the couch next to her and give her the burritos

"enjoy madame and i'll enjoy this here whiskey"  i say in a British accent but comes out more Australian

"you suck at accents you know that right?" billie says while biting into her second burrito

"piss of peasant" i say while pouring some liquor into a solo cup and pouring in some coke after

i chug the concoction and i pour another and sit back on the couch

"now what?" i ask

"let's watch uhm a scary movie" billie says with a smirk "let's watch the babadook" she says while pouring herself the same drink i have

"ok, and get me another too please" i say

billie turns the lights off and sits next to me handing me my other drink

we went from watching the babadook to belting out our favorite songs while dancing around like freaks

i bet our neighbors hate us

something about billie dancing around without a care in the world is just so nice.

Billies Pov

It's so mesmerizing how her hips can move like that. well too bad, can't fucking relate.

"I hate you so much amala." i say plopping down while pouting

"what why?" she asks while stopping herself from dancing

"because you're so pretty like bitch give me some" i say

"shut up billie, you're fucking gorgeous. i have acne scars all over my face" she says rolling her eyes

"well those just make you more beautiful" i say with my lips pulling into a small smile

"you're so lame" she says while laughing

"fuck you" i growl

i stand up and grab the whiskey and take 2 big sips

"damn that's really gonna hit you tomorrow baby" amala states

when she calls me that i feel my face getting hot

she walks up to me and snatches the whiskey out of my hand and does the same thing i did

Amala's Pov

I take two fat sips of whiskey and i feel a burning sensation in my throat

i start giggling at nothing because i'm wasted as shit

"turn back on the music bitch" i demand

billie turns on the music and we start dancing like weirdos again. lord this is so fun i don't want school to start. 

1 hour later

"When i was in 6th grade i had just started my period right. I then get home and see that i had a blood stain on my fucking jeans. no girl or anybody at that said anything at all and i was walking around all day with that on my ass" i say while laughing at the funny memory

"Damn those people are fake as fuck" she says "So when i was twelve, i was in my yard with my friend. she was sitting at the table eating and she yawned. long story short i farted in her mouth and she threw up. funniest shit ever bro"

we both bust out laughing

"how t-the fuck does that e-even happen" i say while laughing

"it's hard to explain but it was so fucking funny" she says

"that's enough for tonight o'connell, i'm off to bed" i say while standing up

"so you're just gonna leave without saying goodnight?" billie asks

i'm already halfway to my door but i turn around and walk back to billie

"goodnight bitch-"

i get cut off by billies lips locking into mine. i let out a low groan and i put my hands on billie hips to bring her closer to me. i pull away from her to catch my breath

"mm, goodnight billie" i say in a low raspy voice

"goodnight Amala" billie says while smirking at me

i walk off to my room and go to bed


Ok so, what did you think of this chapter?

Also, some people on here are talented as shit like what the hell

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