chapter 8

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Amala's outfit

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Amala's outfit

Billies outfit Amala's Pov

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Billies outfit
Amala's Pov

"Come on billie, we have to go. I'm about to leave without you" i say as I'm grabbing my bag

"Okay fine I'm coming. But I can't promise I won't be in a good mood" she says stomping over to the door.

"it's literally the first day back so you better lighten up cause things don't seem to be changing anytime soon o'connell." i say as we both leave the suite and i lock the door

"hop off my cock dlamini i will feel however i wanna feel" she says

"i have vocal performance right now in the theatre, what's your schedule baby?" i ask

she pulls out a crumbled paper from her bag then straightens it with her hands a bit.

"alright, i have Vocal performance, then beat making, then harmony, then literature and history of music, then financing in music. what about you?" she asks

"i have vocal performance, then financing in music, then harmony, then history and literature of music, then beat making." i say

"great, we have 3 out of 5 classes together" billie says

we get to our vocal performance class and sit next to each other in the theatre.

"hey pretty mama, mind if i sit next to you." some guy says

billie immediately looks at him when he calls me 'pretty mama'. the guy just sits down putting his arm around my shoulder without any permission

"dude get the fuck off her" billie almost yells

"stop speaking for her. you don't know if she's okay with it or not"

"yeah well neither do you but that didn't stop you from touching my girlfriend without her permission did it?" billie says

i smile when she calls me her girlfriend

"well, you heard her, get the hell away from me" i say with a dry laugh

the man stands up with his friend and goes to do the same thing to another girl.

(remember them for future reference)

"Alright class, i am your teacher Ms. Harrington. Welcome to your first lecture for this semester. Getting straight to the point, you have a project for this semester. That project is creating a song. It can be solo or a duet, but it is crucial that you are ready to perform it at the end of this semester." the teacher says

"neat" i hear billie mumble

It's now the end of the first day of lectures and billie and i decide to pick up food and dine in at the suite. a date i guess you can say. Billie got her and i a dish called 'Tofu Pad Thai'. i eat some of it and i'm surprised on how good it is.

"you like it mama?" billie asks "it's vegan"

"yeah i do, surprisingly."

"tell me about you." she says "tell me
about your past. only if you want to."

"well for starters i grew up in LA. my dad was never really around so it was just me and my mom. i wasn't really fond of school. matter of fact i hated it. i would not really pay attention but i also really loved music and that was something that made me want to do this. whether i get famous or not, i just wanna make music. about two years ago my mom got really fucked up which is sad because she loved painting and writing. she used to be so happy. all of a sudden she got so sad and got into drugs I don't know why. she still never told me. that made me start thinking that it was my fault because i felt like i got in the way of EVERYTHING." I start tearing up "i used to get into so much trouble and used to get involved with the wrong people-" my chin starts quivering and a tear rolls down my cheek

billie wipes the tear away and grabs my hand

"hey mama, don't cry it's okay." billie says

"enough about me, what about you?" i ask while wiping my face

"Okay, i grew up in LA as well and i used to love dancing. That's actually what i wanted to do for a long time until i got a bad injury and just stopped. I also struggled with my confidence for a long time. i was and still am at a really low point in my life and i don't know why. it just sucks being like this." she says "but i know things will get better and i'll get happier over time" she gives a small smile

it was silent for a little bit


"yeah mama?" she says

"be my girlfriend" i say

she just looks at me

"oh my god i'm sorry, too soon? i shouldn't have said anything" i say while looking down.

billie lifts my chin to look at her

"i will of course be your girlfriend." she says while smiling at me

i lean over and kiss her

i can't believe she said yes

This was kind of a short chapter but hey they officially started dating.

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