chapter 19

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The only word that can come to my mind right now is "why" just why did this have to happen. Why did i have to walk in on that. She promised me she wouldn't fool around. She promised me.

"Come on Amala let me talk to you" i hear billie shout from the other side of the door

"There is nothing to fucking talk about billie. Just leave me the hell alone and let me pack. Let me pack and leave so you can get back to whatever the hell you were doing." i say as tears are falling down my face

I wipe them off with both my hands "fuck" i whisper

"If you don't let me in, i swear to fucking god i'll break this god damn door down Amala. Let me talk to you" her voice breaks at the end

i stomp over to the door and unlock it. I open it to see a crying billie standing there. I also see lexie standing in the living room like a helpless kid who lost their fucking mommy.

"What the fuck are you still doing here?" i yell out to lexie who tries replying but doesn't say anything in the end "get the hell out you fucking whore" i shout once again

i see her gather up her belongings and then she leaves very quickly.

i turn back around into my old room to start packing again. I want to get out of here as quickly as possible.

"well are you just going to stand there just as helpless as lexie was?" i say to billie

Billies Pov

Ouch.. that statement hurt. I try and keep calm though.

"Look, there is no excuse for what Lexie and I did. There is nothing i can say to defend myself as to what just happened. The only thing i can say is sorry." i say to her

She turns to me and walks over to me. Her eyes red from crying. Cheeks flushed from rubbing them.

"Billie, you promised me that you wouldn't do anything. I gave you my all and then you go and fuck someone else. That shit hurts, that shit hurts a lot. How would you feel if you walked in on me fucking someone else?" she wipes away the tears in her eyes "I trusted you, i thought we were forever, i thought we were going to grow old together. I thought you were the one. I guess things just don't work out the way you want them to sometimes. All of that cheesy ass shit we said to eachother sounds so fucking stupid now."

"Please just give me another chance, i know i fucked up but i promise that it will never happen again." i beg

"Billie, we are over, we are through. There is nothing you can do, so don't even try. My decision is made and we are through." she calmly says

I nod and turn to walk to my room. I shut the door and just break down.

"What the fuck is wrong with myself" i say in frustration as tears are streaming down my face

Amala's Pov

I try and hurry to finish packing because i need to leave here. I plan to just pack my clothes and some important items of mine. Which shouldn't be too hard because i already have my items packed, i just need to pack my clothes now.

After a few minutes of packing and anger beaming off of me, i am ready to go. As i am about to leave, i stand and stare at billies closed door. I hear faint sobs coming from her room but i ignore them because she hurt me. If she knew everything was going to end like this, she should have considered the consequences. I am hesitant on leaving but i eventually do anyway.

I reach the helipad where the helicopter is waiting for me. I get in and I strait myself in a seat. This is a very long ride ahead of me so i decide to try and fall asleep.

After numerous attempts of falling asleep i give up. My thoughts are distracting me from falling asleep, so i just give up.

I need to have the proper mind set. I need to think that in the next few weeks i'll be fine. I'll be moved on. I'll be past this whole situation eventually.

Billies Pov

I wonder if Amala left yet. I never heard the door open or close. I get up and leave my room. I walk over to Amalas and see that she packed her things and left. This is most likely the last time that i got to see her because she wants nothing to do with me anymore.

I can't believe i did what i did. I have so much love for that fucking person.

I walk over to the couch and i pick the ring up off the coffee table. I sit down on the couch and stare at it. I get back up and i go to my room. I then put it in the ring box that it originally came in.

I sigh

I majorly fucked up. I wish i was home so i can talk to Finneas, or my mom. Oh my god, i'm going to go home. I decide to go home after all of this because i just don't want to do this anymore as stupid as it sounds. If nobody finds my music, i don't give a fuck. It is what it is.


This chapter is shorter than usual, but the last chapter is going to be long.

Can u believe that there is only one more chapter left? Thank u all so much for even reading this book. Thank you for all the support. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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